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Installation | Petitboot

Alexander Baldeck edited this page Aug 19, 2023 · 7 revisions

Generate a grub.cfg

You really don't have to use Grub itself but installing it to generate a configuration Petitboot (like on Blackbird or Talos II) can pick up, is convenient.

On the installer we assume /mnt has your target filesystem for / mounted.

Also ensure your petitboot understands your filesystem. Safe choices are or rather may be ext4 or btrfs.

$ arch-chroot /mnt
$ mkdir /boot/grub
$ grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

After you have the the file in place, petitboot will pick it up an display the bootoptions within.


After you're done with the above, your system should detect the installation and boot Grub. So just configure as normal using the regular Archlinux Installation Guide skipping bootloader specifics.