This is a work in progress project. The goal is to allow launching ElasticSearch during tests, and test your application against it. At this pre-mature phase, only the very basic functionality works (and only on linux/unix). API is not final, and might (probably will) change down the road. However, the plugin is already usable as is.
Add the following to your project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.github.kuhnen" % "sbt-elasticsearch-plugin" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT")
to start a new elasticsearch before running your tests
to start a new elasticsearch before running your testOnly
ElasticSearchPlugin.elasticSearchVersion := "1.7.1", (override the default ES version)
ElasticSearchPlugin.elasticSearchConfigFile := None, (ES configuration file, if needed)
ElasticSearchPlugin.elasticSearchMappings := None, (Mappings when starting ElasticSearch)
ElasticSearchPlugin.elasticSearchFilesToDefaultConfigDir := List.empty, (for examples synonimous, and other files that might be needed to ES)
ElasticSearchPlugin. stopElasticSearchAfterTests := true,
ElasticSearchPlugin.cleanElasticSearchAfterTests := true,
Until i'll get this plugin hosted, you can build it yourself, and use sbt publish-local
to have it available in your local ~/.ivy2