- Copenhagen, Denmark
- https://kvikshaug.no/
pure Public
Forked from sindresorhus/pureMy customization of the pure prompt
Shell MIT License UpdatedAug 16, 2023 -
dwm Public
My customization of dwm (discontinued in favor of swaywm)
C MIT License UpdatedJan 15, 2020 -
pitcoin Public
Bitcoin client built in python 3
grouphugs Public
A pircbot implementation whose sole purpose is creating fun, happiness and grouped hugs
irc.py Public
Forked from oyvindio/irc.pyVery thin IRC abstraction in Python built on top of asynchat
Python UpdatedJul 3, 2013 -
scalahugs Public
Forked from oyvindio/scalahugsIRC bot in Scala using Akka on top of PircBot
Scala UpdatedSep 15, 2012 -
scatsd-server Public
A (slightly mutated) clone of Etsys StatsD server, written in Scala
Scala UpdatedFeb 15, 2012 -
scala.tmbundle Public
Forked from mads-hartmann/scala.tmbundleTextMate bundle for the Scala programming language
Ruby UpdatedAug 22, 2011 -
reminder Public
A personal reminder for birthdays and other yearly occurrences
Scala UpdatedSep 16, 2010 -
hp-login Public
Forked from oyvindio/hin-loginA small script that lets you authenticate with some wireless networks