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This is a Northwestern CS 446 project aimed at making a retro-style arcade game on a Raspberry-Pi clone - running only a real-time operating system library and producing the graphics on the cpu directly over serial.


You'll need make, sh, python3-dev, an sd card, an OrangePi PC, and a serial-to-usb device to get started. Run make check_dependencies to find out which of the below dependencies you don't yet have.

You'll need to install an Arm cross-compiler and configure a TFTP server. These abstract dependencies require you to export some makefile variables from local_config. See the comment in the dependency list below for how to determine the CROSS_COMPILE variable.


# This list is the single point of authority for project dependencies
#           DEPENDENCY      : The actuall command that must be installed 
#                           : or the name of an abstract dependency. 
#           MAKE_VARIABLE   : The Makefile variable that must be
#                           : exported from local_config if the 
#                           : DEPENDENCY is abstract.
#           COMMENT         : The role or reason for the dependency.
awk=''      # Standard UNIX tool, used to maintain submodules
sed=''      # Standard UNIX tool, used to bridge uboot and kyu makevars
gcc=''      # Host compiler
bison=''    # Parser generator
flex=''     # Scanner generator
swig=''     # Plumbing for connecting high-level languages to C
an-arm-cross-compiler=CROSS_COMPILE # Install a distribution of gcc and 
                                    # binutils for Arm. Record the
                                    # prefix of whatever you install 
                                    # in the CROSS_COMPILE variable.
                                    # For example:
                                    #   "arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc"
                                    #   -> "arm-linux-gnueabi-"
ruby=''     # Another scripting language, used by kyu dev for config
            # make sure it's installed or symlinked into /bin/ruby
picocom=''              # A console for communicating with serial
                        # devices.
a-TFTP-server=TFTP_DIR  # Need to serve the kyu boot image over TFTP and 
                        # tell the build tools where to put it.
a-local-ip=TFTP_IP      # Your local ipv4 address. See below.


To configure a TFTP server on recent versions of MacOS, run:

sudo launchctl load -F /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/tftp.plist
sudo launchctl start

This will start a server on UDP port 69, by default serving files from /private/tftpboot. This directory, or whatever directory you configure TFTP to serve from, must be recorded in local_config as the TFTP_DIR variable.

You will also need to determine your local ipv4 address. This is not your public ipv4 address (which probably really belongs to your router who relays packets on your behalf), your device's ipv6 address, or your MAC address. It will probably have the form or similar. Run ifconfig or ip address show and look for close addresses there. It will probably be listed near inet or ether. You can also probably ignore loopback devices, netmasks, and broadcast addresses. When you find it, record it to TFTP_IP.

SD Card

Insert your sd card and identify it (here assumed /dev/sdb). Wipe the boot sector, partition table (primary), and current filesystem of your sd card with (for example)

sudo dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=4 of=/dev/sdb

Then repartition your sd card with MBR (msdos) not GPT and a single FAT32 partition. This partition is where the network boot will store the kyu image it downloads. This can be done with sfdisk and mkfs or with any number of GUI tools.

The included sd_card_layout.sfdisk file may be used as follows in order to write the partition table (again assuming the sd_card is the /dev/sdb device):

sudo sfdisk /dev/sdb < sd_card_layout.sfdisk

After the device has been partitioned (using sfdisk or similar), the filesystem must be created. If you used a GUI tool, this is probably already done. For the command line (assuming /dev/sdb):

sudo mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/sdb1


Once all of the above sections are taken care of, and make check_dependencies gives the all clear, we can finally compile something! Run make setup to configure everything and compile u-boot. If all goes well, a u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin file will be produced in the boot subdirectory. After cd'ing into boot, run (assuming /dev/sdb) to write the bootloader to the sd_card:

sudo dd if=u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/dev/sdb bs=1024 seek=8

Now insert the card into the Pi and connect the serial device. Look for the device in /dev/. On Linux it is often /dev/ttyUSB0. You may need to use sudo to connect to it, but preferably not. Connect with, for example:

picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0

When you supply power to the Pi, the console should indicate that u-boot is trying stuff. It may get caught initializing hardware a few times on the first boot. Just power cycle the Pi and keep trying. Wait for it to say "Hit any key to stop autoboot" and then do so! Hopefully that drops you in a u-boot shell!

Connect an ethernet cable and then run dhcp in the u-boot shell. It should report an ip address with "DHCP client bound to ...". It will also report that serverip is not set, but that's ok for now. As long as we have an ip address from DHCP, we're in good shape.

Now we need to configure u-boot to fetch the image (that we'll compile next). Tell u-boot the ip address of your TFTP server (recorded in the makefile!) with (for example):

setenv serverip

Now run dhcp again and hopefully we'll get a different error! This time we should see a response from the server, but that the "File not found". That's ok for now. If everything has worked up to this point, run:

setenv bootaddr 0x40000000
setenv bootfile orange.bin
setenv boot_kyu "echo Booting Kyu via dhcp ; dhcp ${bootaddr}; go ${bootaddr}"
setenv bootcmd "run boot_kyu"

Hopefully all of that configuraton is successfully written to the FAT and we can move on to the actual OS!

You may also consider assigning a static ip to both your host computer and the Pi. You can get the Pi's MAC address from the u-boot shell with: printenv ethaddr

You can exit picocom by pressing togethor the Control and a keys, followed by Control and x togethor.


If you've gotten this far, then everything should fingers crossed be all set! From the main repo directory, run make build. Once that's done, and if it all went well, reconnect to the Pi and run run boot_kyu in u-boot, or simply power cycle it. Hello Kyu!


You can type help to see a list of the preinstalled shell functions. Run k 0 to do regression tests and confirm that all the basic functionality is working.

Working with the Code

I've set up the repo structure so Kyu will easily compile arbitrary code from the entry_point directory and jump to the function void user_init(int), wherever you define that. To start working on the entry point code for our project, remove the user_entry directory from inside rtos_lib and replace it with a symbolic link of the same name, to the user_entry directory. For example:

cd rtos_lib;
rm -r rtos_lib;
ln -s ../entry_point user_entry

Now runing make build or make build_dev will compile our retro graphics user code! Have fun :D


CS 466 Project: Snake Implementation on RTOS







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