Files for my Computer Science II Lab 8 Project
- Implement the unsorted link list ADT
a. Write the code to remove duplicates from an unsorted linked list. i. In the description of your function state the order of complexity in terms of time.
b. Given a list whose length you do not know. Write the code to find the kth to last element of a singly linked list. i. In the description of your function state the order of complexity in terms of time.
c. Write a member function that takes the memory address of a node and removes that node from a linked list. i. In the description of your function state the order of complexity in terms of time.
d. Implement a function that takes a value and partitions a linked list about that value. i.e. numbers smaller than the value are to the left of the value and numbers larger than that value should be to the right. The numbers should retain their original order in the list.
Eg. Given the list 5,10,12,7 10,2 and the value 7 the final list should be 5,2,7,10,12,10 i. In the description of your function state the order of complexity in terms of time.