Common plugin for Mongoose with standard schema fields and localization support
npm install mongoose-common-plugin
const mongooseCommonPlugin = require('mongoose-common-plugin');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const User = new mongoose.Schema({});
User.plugin(mongooseCommonPlugin, { object: 'user' });
module.exports = mongoose.model('User', User);
Default options shown below:
// this should be the name of the model lower-cased (e.g. User)
// inspired by Stripe's API design (e.g. `"object": "charge"`)
object: '',
// whether or not your fields/database design is camelCased
camelCase: false,
// whether or not to add virtual getter/setter localization support
// (super useful for adding Mongoose validation errors that are localized)
locale: true,
// default locale used (e.g. you could use `i18n.defaultLocale()` if using @ladjs/i18n)
defaultLocale: 'en',
// whether or not to use `mongoose-omit-common-fields`
omitCommonFields: true,
// either an Array or Object
// these will get added to `mongoose-hidden`
// and are extra fields you'd like to ignore from toJSON calls
// (e.g. `omitExtraFields: [ 'some_field_to_ignore' ]`)
// note that we automatically add the `-` prefix to keys for Arrays passed
omitExtraFields: [],
// options to pass to `mongoose-unique-validator`
uniqueValidator: {
message: require('@ladjs/mongoose-error-messages').general.unique
// options to pass to `mongoose-validation-error-transform`
// <>
validationErrorTransform: {},
// options to pass to `mongoose-hidden`
// <>
mongooseHidden: {}
By default the options.locale
value is true
. Therefore you can add localized error messages using i18n.
User model definition:
const i18n = require('i18n');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const validator = require('validator');
const User = new mongoose.Schema({
email: {
type: String,
required: true,
index: true,
validate: (val, fn) => {
if (validator.isEmail(val))
return fn();
fn(false, i18n.__({
phrase: 'Invalid email address',
locale: this.locale
Route middleware (assumes you're using something like @ladjs/i18n):
try {
user.locale = ctx.request.locale;
await user.validate();
} catch (err) {
// will throw localized validation error message for ``
return ctx.throw(Boom.badRequest(err));
Name | Website |
Nick Baugh | |