Semester-2 project for course CSEN1021, This project is a small interactive web-app for stock analysis, using the Streamlit library for a simple frontend, fetching stock data using the Yfinance library, analyzing the stock data using pandas and plotting graphs using Streamlit plots, Matplotlib, and Seaborn.
- Sidebar used to input stocks and select a time frame along with type of plots (streamlit plots or matplotlib plots).
The stock analysis methods and visualizations are split into 9 tabs which display the visualized data:
Shows the adjusted closing prices for both stocks along with a metric widget to show the percentage change in the stock that is also color coded and changes based on the positive or negative delta.
Shows the volume weighted average price (VWAP) for both stocks with a simple uptrend or downtrend analysis on the parameters of close price being higher or lower than the volume weighted average price.
Shows the daily returns of both stocks as a bar chart.
Closing price:
- Adjusted closing price of both stocks are plotted seperately and also overlayed for comparison.
Moving average:
The slider is used to selected the parameter for the moving average calculation and the moving average for both graphs is plotted overlayed with the closing price.
Checkbox below to calculate multiple moving averages for different time frames can also allow for the calculation and plotting of 3 moving averages with 3 sliders for changing the parameters.
Stock volume:
- Volume of both stocks are plotted seperately and also overlayed for comparison.
Daily return:
- Daily return of both stocks is calculated and plotted as a scatter plot along with two histograms with bell curves overlaid to check the sharpness of the peak.
Volume weighted average price:
- Volume weighted average price of both stocks is calculated and plotted along with the closing price for comparison.
- Correlation between two stocks is calculated and represented as Pearson Coefficient(R) along with a joint scatter plot to visualize the correlation.
- Stock volatility is calculated and plotted as a line chart seperately and together for comparison.
Risk and return:
- Risk and return of both stocks is calculated and plotted using a scatter plot with labels for the stocks.