What's Changed
[Add] - function lhs_docker_install_aws_linux_2_instruction
[Remove] - function lhs_help_hotkey_sublime_search_files_instruction
[Improvement] - (Change to use the default ~/.zsh_history for history file) for using with zsh autocomplete
[Add] - function for converting epoch time to human reable format time
[Chore] - to fix typo
[Improvement] - change the bindkey of search history by peco and change to use Option + R (Ctrl + R) is reserved for sh-history-substring-search
[Add] - note for how to build image optimized
[Add] - add note for upgrading docker in ubuntu and installing telnet in docker alpine
[Refactor] - function name
[Improvement] - add path of lhs tools when search dir path (for both git repo and lhs tools)
[Add] - comment for do later (fixing the bug of function lhs_cmd_time_convert_echo_to_human_readable_format)
[Improvement] - optimize source sh files
[Fix] - can not search aws history commandline with aws_ec2_connect or check cw logs
[Improvement] - optimize when finding file
[Improvement] - add path of lhs tools when search dir path (for both git repo and lhs tools) [Add] - function for getting epoch time in milisecon time for cw logs
[Improvement] - ignore search tmp folders
[Fix] disable cached for lhs cli results
[Add] function lhs_cmd_date_get_month for only get month of that time
[Improvement] - add cached for lhs_cmd_search function more longer from setting main.sh
[Add] - add function lhs_help_refesh for getting the menu function up-to-date
[Add] - funtion for enable peco input cached
[Add] - lhs_cmd_date_get_year function
[Improvement] - max size of history increased more
[Add] - disable cache all (easy to use)
[Improvement] - check before binding key and set history option
[Fix] - fixing bug when installing by home-brew
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.5.0