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Anderson Pierre Cardoso edited this page Jun 18, 2018 · 2 revisions


Project setup

Clone the source code:

git clone

Install required gems:

cd unbounded-lcms
gem install bundler && bundler

Create files with environment variables:

cp .env.template .env.development
cp .env.template .env.test

Template file contains minimum set of predefined variables for application to run. Update variables POSTGRESQL_* if you have created database with different name. Don't forget to change the database name in the .env.test template.

You can find the full list of supported variables here.

Export variables:

source .env.development

Create database user:

psql postgres -c "create user ${POSTGRESQL_USERNAME} with password '${POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD}' createdb;"

Restore the database from the pre-populated UnboundEd template:

cp db/dump/content.dump.freeze db/dump/content.dump
bundle exec rake db:restore
bundle exec rake db:migrate

After that there will be single user with admin role, email, password: password. For security reasons we recommend you add a new admin user to the production environment and delete this one once the project is running.

Run the following task to setup your index and import the data into ES (make sure ElasticSearch is running):

bundle exec rake es:load

If you are using an empty database you will need at least the curriculum tree root nodes (subjects). Load them via:

bundle exec rake db:seed:lcms

Additional components


Install required fonts:

apt-get install fontconfig -y
cp -R app/assets/fonts/* /usr/local/share/fonts
fc-cache -f -v

For macOS:

cp -R app/assets/fonts/* ~/Library/Fonts


Mathjax binaries:

npm install mathjax-node
npm install mathjax-node-cli


npm install svgexport
npm install pngquant-bin


tar xvfJ wkhtmltox-0.12.4_linux-generic-amd64.tar.xz
cp wkhtmltox/bin/wkhtmltopdf /usr/local/bin

For macOS you can download the package from the website