Web app: Crossword / scrabble word finder learning webproject
- Demo mode generates random tiles: then finds largest, highest score and valid words
- Search for words in a dictionary of 300k words
- Play a game to find words from random letters/tiles
- Find anagrams of words
Shuttle is an awesome tool for quickly and easily deploying webapps based on Rust, Tera for templating was good but I'll explore others but runtime template and error are hard to spot, Axum is easy enough to use and I like the idea of HTMX in general
Not 100% finished but functions enough as intended
- Wordfinder (https://wordfinder.shuttleapp.rs)
- new site with https://www.shuttle.dev/ shuttle.dev domain: (https://wordfinder-awq2.shuttle.app)
- Favicon. What is the right way to do this?
- Experiment with loops in templates
- Figure how to deploy with shuttle
- Make some notes for later
- error handling and testing etc
- add an about and contact for new words
- add a high score leaderboard for the games
- add a pop over if you click on a word to show meaning of word, there is a nice dictionary API for that
- Web server: Rust with Axum (https://github.com/tokio-rs/axum)
- HTML templating engine: Tera (https://docs.rs/tera/latest/tera)
- Basic styling: Missing.style (https://missing.style/)
- HTMX (https://htmx.org/)
- Tera (https://keats.github.io/tera/docs/#getting-started)
- Hotreloading: Cargo-watch (https://github.com/watchexec/cargo-watch)
- Hotreloading: Tower-livereload (https://github.com/leotaku/tower-livereload) - disabled
- Deployed via shuttle.rs on free tier (https://www.shuttle.rs/)
- Big Sky Software (https://github.com/bigskysoftware/contact-app)
- CodeScope Youtuber for inspiring me to have a go deploying a web app with his example of using HTMX and Rust.
- Source code (https://gitlab.com/codescope-reference/rustmx)
- This site is based on Guardian coding challenges (https://github.com/guardian/coding-exercises)
- Note uses text file with approx 300k words
- Not an offical set of Scrabble words or authority on valids words
If you want to mess around with it...
- Terminal
git clone https://github.com/leshec/wordfind.git
- Need Rust installed, comes with Cargo package manager, from terminal
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
- Install Shuttle or see their website e.g for linux/mac
curl -sSfL https://www.shuttle.rs/install | bash
- A Windows version of Shuttle available
- Terminal
cargo build && cargo shuttle project run
- Site runs locally on your machine e.g. via
- See docs on Shuttle.rs
- Deployment is pretty simple:
- Log in to shuttle via terminal
cargo shuttle login
note sign up is easy with Github, dashboard is minimal, prompts for API, takes you to website to get it, and then paste into terminal and run from command linecargo shuttle deploy
- Visit (https://www.shuttle.rs/) for more info, example and to deploy your own stuff loads of example
Note: Shuttle is migrating from shuttle.rs to shuttle.dev, this site will be moved soon. The web url will change on update:
- UPDATE: use
shuttle run
,shuttle deploy
andshuttle deployment status
- new site with https://www.shuttle.dev/ shuttle.dev domain: (https://wordfinder-awq2.shuttle.app)
- Need to reference static files under build attribute in Shuttle.toml, this overcame issues with build failing to find index.html and tera templates. See Shuttle.toml