Some folders are separate projects
File and folder structure:
- + src -- base detector red, green and yellow detector
Extract some mp4 and run detector proceed <name>
or detector init <name>
- cameras -- list of compressed camera with traffic lights
- docs -- some literature and image for this file
- motion-detector -- detect traffic light moving based on Lucas Kanade optical flow
Copy extracted tf2.mp4 to motion-detector and run
- tracks -- visualise traffic light moving tracks based on SIFT
Copy extracted tf2.mp4 to tracks and run
- stabilize -- Stabilise traffic light moving based on Lucas Kanade optical flow and Affine transform
Copy extracted tf2.mp4 to stabilize and run
- foreground-extract -- Foreground Extraction using GrabCut Algorithm
Copy extracted tf2.mp4 to stabilize and run
- template-matching -- Template matching Algorithm
Copy extracted tf2.mp4 to stabilize and run
- result -- result videos
You can see short experiments results on the video