ROS course tutorials: full course from the beginning to the practical use.
For ITMO University students there is different repository with extended and more relevant materials, but Docker section is same for everybody.
install docker following the instructions on
Don't forger to add user to the group docker (
If you are not interested on Docker, just use the following bash scripts to get ROS inside docker
folder (cd docker
) step by step:
Step 1:
xhost +local:root
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
If you you want to use docker as with all commands, just open the bash scripts in IDE and execude comands in terminal! =)
from teriman to enter docker container just use ./docker_run.bash
if u need new bash-script(new terminal) with same docker just open new terminal and use command ./docker_new.bash
Some check (for first time):
- OS version:
lsb_release -a
- ROS version:
rosversion -d