This python script download all posts from blogspot and convert into epub or pdf, either in web page looks or rss feed looks.
Not only blogspot, if any webpage contains rss feed, especially for wordpress, then it able to download in rss mode.
The existing online services either need to paid, has limit of files, need to copy per-page manually, only support rss feed, or only support epub. This python script is free, no files limit as it run in your local machine/ip, download all pages/feed automatically, support both rss and web scraping(some blog rss is private or only one page), support both epub and pdf. It also support custom locale date. The most important thing: this is simple python code and you can feel free to modify it, e.g. custom html color, extra html header/footer, default directory ... etc :)
git clone cd blogspot-downloader/ pip3 install -r requirements_py3.txt #python 3 In ubuntu, run `sudo apt install wkhtmltopdf`. pypub/ directory contains my miscellaneous bug fixes and customization from original Pypub, and tested in python 3.8.5
python3 [url]
$ python3 --help
usage: [-h] [-a] [-s] [-d] [-p] [-l LOCALE] [-f FEED]
Blogspot Downloader
positional arguments:
url Blogspot url
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --all Display website mode instead of rss feed mode. Only
support blogspot website but you can try your luck in
other site too
-s, --single Download based on provided url year/month instead of
entire blog, will ignored in rss feed mode and
-d, --print_date Print main date info without execute anything
-p, --pdf Output in PDF instead of EPUB but might failed in some
--js-delay JS_DELAY Specify delay seconds for -1 -p to have enough time
for Javascript to load. Default is 3 seconds.
-l LOCALE, --locale LOCALE
Date translate to desired locale, e.g. -l zh_CN.UTF-8
will shows date in chinese
-f FEED, --feed FEED Direct pass full rss feed url. e.g. python
-f Note that it may
not able to get previous rss page in non-blogspot
-1, --one Scrape url of ANY webpage as single pdf(-p) or epub
-lo, --log-link-only print link only log for -f feed, temporary workaround
to copy into -1, in case -f feed only retrieve
python3 [blogspot url] # Download blogspot as RSS Feed
python3 -1 # Any website link, or full(non-RSS) blogspot page
python3 -1 [url]
python3 -lo [blogspot url] # To get list of blogspot urls which can save to /tmp/urls.list manually
python3 -1 </tmp/urls.list # Download above urls list. Currently you still need manually delete above output file.
It will asked the blogspot url if you don't pass [url] in command option.
Use -f rss_feed_url to download from rss feed, or -a webpage_url to download from webpage. Tips: you may lucky to find feed url by right-click on the webpage and choose "View Page Source", then search for "rss" keyword. Note that rss_feed / path might has impact to narrow the scope of feed, e.g. might narrow the feed only for may only, and might narrow the feed for year 2018.
Not all blogs works in -p pdf mode, you will quickly noticed this if you found duplicated layout for first few pages, then you can ctrl+c to stop it. Try remove -p or use -f feed_url instead in this case, or download epub only.
This script designate in Linux and never test in Windows. This script also not designate run in multi process since it will remove /tmp trash file.
Duplicated filename will not replace but suffix with current timestamp.
ePUB file can edit manually. Simply change name to .zip, unzip it, edit the xhtml, and (inside epub directory) do zip -rX ../<epub direcory name>.epub minetype.txt META-INF/ OEBPS/
to repack it easily. I recommend Kchmviewer viewer and Sigli, but if it doesn't open since it may too strict in xhtml syntax, then you can try other viewer in this case (Sigli will try auto fix for you), and please don't feel hesitate to issue a ticket.
download non-blogspot site as rss feed in pdf:
download blogspot site as rss feed in pdf without file limits:
download blogspot site as web scraping in ePUB which able to include comments section:
download blogspot site as rss feed in ePUB, plus custom locale date in Chinese:
pdf keep color, while ePUB don't:
With --one option, you can paste any webpage link manually to make custom ebook chapter :D (Tip: You can download this extension to get all the link then copy/paste all in once(No need to paste one by one) into prompt, and don't forget last link need to press Enter. You can also use < urls.txt
style.). -1 only support single pdf when -p.