Releases: linchpin/courier-notices
Releases · linchpin/courier-notices
1.6.0 (2024-06-26)
Features ✨
- Add documentation (41c0792)
- Added controls for toggling show/hide of titles within the admin javascript (Classic Editor) #93 (5a445d0)
- Added css for admin UI elements related to toggling show/hide of notice titles #93 (a6ff5c0)
- Making it so modals will only show 1 at a time (f812325)
- Making modals more efficient. (f812325)
- Split global design styles and "Notice Style" styles into different views. (3664791)
- Updated how modals work to only show one at a time (2b599da)
Bug Fixes 🐛
- #265: debug modal firing consistently, clean-up PHP warnings (cc35877)
- #297: Send just array values to resolve fatal in PHP8 (d24fb6b)
- #298: Check if title rules array exists (4c6822f)
- #307: Add comment to expiration check (903455f)
- #307: update check for expiration nonce (6d6ca3f)
- #312: Fix an issue with post meta being saving in all post types (6d12991)
- 286: Pass notice ID vs post ID (259ae02)
- add "hide" css class to hide elements within the modal overlay when needed (3253349)
- added show/hide title to default template (a3a2f3c)
- admin: Adding in missing semicolons (bf1c70f)
- admin: Make sure $selected_styles is an array before running in_array, adding link to Global Design Settings page in the callout (e725427)
- admin: Removed courier_notice post type specific javascript being enqueued on all post edit pages. (140a208)
- Allow trigger-close to fire dismissal and window.location even if ajax isn't being called, add ajaxComplete method specifically to user_id after post (dcb159a)
- build paths were incorrect from migrating (e5cf620)
- deps: update npm (a0f013c)
- deps: update npm (819c875)
- fixed an incorrect selector when adding a new informational notice type (58f17b1)
- Fixed an issue where the link to design was incorrect due to other updates (063b88f)
- fixed an issue with releases not being created properly on GitHub (1307e09)
- Fixed an issue with zips being nested within the deployment (4ea6f32)
- fixed undefined show_hide_title within templates (c214831)
- Fixing an issue with vendor assets that are committed in the repo incorrectly (9cf10f8)
- Fixing an issue with vendor assets that are committed in the repo incorrectly (5bd4f5c)
- Fixing an issue with vendor assets that are committed in the repo incorrectly (a51aed5)
- incorrectly looking for delete_transient instead of delete_option (d100bce)
- invalid workflow (a7cf5f2)
- modal notices were skipping display of first notice in some circumstances (a0bf6e0)
- Model: Fixing a fatal error when referencing settings (cca0ad1)
- No build task was available (caf2a8e)
- NO-JIRA: missing dependencies (ce8a93c)
- NO-TASK: Cleanup deprecation notice (8a645da)
- NO-TASK: Update git attributes (9fb54f3)
- Pass user_id within request for notices (ecd5fdd)
- removing node specific checks (d79229f)
- removing node specific checks (bffe3db)
- replaced a deprecated method (a3a2f3c)
- workflow: Adding composer install to master workflow (bccf1be)
Miscellaneous Chores 🧹
- added screenshots (c214831)
- Adding brand assets to readme (c6d87fe)
- build assets (9b94151)
- Bumping all dependencies. (31b04ae)
- bumping dependencies (1ca901e)
- bumping some dependencies (ee48930)
- changelog: Release v1.4.0 (6ca255c)
- changelog: v1.4.0 Release information (109bcb7)
- composer updates (07792b7)
- composer updates (e4432a1)
- configuring extra-files (c1226c8)
- deps-dev: bump webpack from 5.75.0 to 5.76.0 (dc930b9)
- deps: bump @babel/traverse from 7.21.0 to 7.24.7 (ed4f580)
- deps: bump browserslist from 4.16.4 to 4.20.3 (c597b21)
- deps: bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2 (70b5ba7)
- deps: bump from 6.2.0 to 6.2.1 (9edc50b)
- deps: bump from 6.4.1 to 6.4.2 (41925f6)
- deps: bump es5-ext from 0.10.62 to 0.10.64 (56b454c)
courier-notices: v1.5.9
1.5.9 (2024-06-26)
Bug Fixes 🐛
Miscellaneous Chores 🧹
- deps-dev: bump webpack from 5.75.0 to 5.76.0 (dc930b9)
- deps: bump @babel/traverse from 7.21.0 to 7.24.7 (ed4f580)
- deps: bump from 6.4.1 to 6.4.2 (41925f6)
- deps: bump es5-ext from 0.10.62 to 0.10.64 (56b454c)
- deps: bump follow-redirects from 1.15.2 to 1.15.6 (ac7ef19)
- deps: bump postcss from 7.0.39 to 8.4.38 (722a11c)
- deps: bump from 4.6.1 to 4.7.5 (db9901f)
- deps: bump from 4.2.2 to 4.2.4 (705d566)
- deps: update 10up/action-wordpress-plugin-deploy action to v2.2.2 (566f3b2)
- deps: update actions/cache action to v4 (1ee9442)
- deps: update actions/checkout action to v4 (0b79d9a)
- deps: update andrew-chen-wang/github-wiki-action action to v4 (84a9eb1)
- deps: update composer (569a67a)
- deps: update composer (735e814)
- deps: update dependency meow to v13 (676eab5)
- deps: update dependency php-parallel-lint/php-parallel-lint to ^v1.4.0 (e6a4a60)
- deps: update dependency postcss to v8.4.31 [security] (86912ed)
- deps: update dependency saggre/phpdocumentor-markdown to ^0.1.4 (5e0b6fc)
- deps: update dependency semver to v7.5.2 [security] (f7ea0d0)
- deps: update dependency squizlabs/php_codesniffer to ^3.10.1 (a540b65)
- deps: update dependency trim-newlines to v5 (f6893f6)
- deps: update dependency webpack to v5.76.0 [security] (67d735a)
- deps: update npm (e361ec6)
- deps: update rtcamp/action-phpcs-code-review action to v3 (02282ae)
- deps: update svenstaro/upload-release-action action to v2.9.0 (5265775)