This is a simple latex tempate for students' homework.
YOU DON'T need to download any compiler(latex toolkits), Just follow steps below:
- registered yourself to an online latex editor:
- Fork this repo to your own github account.(uppper right of this page Fork)
- Back to overleaf, start a new project, choose to import this repo from github.
- Now you are able to typesetting using latex.
Some useful sources: math symbols
basic usage check learn latex in 30mins
warmly suggestion: to insert code samples, consider using minted package
- modify the default name and student id in the homework.text file.
- while working on your assignment, make sure you don't copy the question body into the file. We only need your solution.
- if you're not familiar with latex, read the homework.tex, especially contents within the \begin{homeworkProblem} label. You'll learn how to insert images, writing equations, formulas, and some useful skills to orgnize your solutions in a neat and clean way.
Here are just a few features of this homework template.
- Title page.
- Problem markers.
- Configurable problem numbers (see the last 3 problems for an example).
- Some commonly used math macros.
First you'll need LaTeX. Instructions on obtaining it can be found here:
Compiling from the command line will look like the following:
$ latexmk homework.tex
Or you can use TeXShop or a similar native client to typeset the LaTeX file.
When first starting with LaTeX, I came across this template and used it as a base for starting my template. As you can see, it is pretty similar.
This code is distributed under the MIT license. For more info, read the LICENSE file distributed with the source code.