Node.js client bindings for the StormOnDemand API. These are fairly barebones at the moment and simply provide an easy one-to-one mapping for API methods to Javascript functions.
Documentation for the API can be found at:
To install:
npm install stormondemand
How to use this client:
var stormAPI = require('stormondemand');
var client = new stormAPI({ username: "<fill-me-in>", password: "<fill-me-in>" });
// Get my account history
client.Notifications.all({}, function (res) {
for (var i=0; i<res.page_size; i++) {
// Create an actual Storm server
config_id: 2,
template: 'CENTOS_62_CPANEL',
domain: 'my.storm-server.fake'
}, function (res) {
This client is programmatically generated from current API documentation. In order to regenerate the client library for new methods, it's extremely simple. It requires an additional installation of the mustache templating engine. With that installed, it's a simple process to regenerate the client:
npm install mustache
cd node-stormondemand
node lib/generate.js
This will download the current documentation, and regenerate index.js with all the current API methods.
For testing, we use nodeunit. For more information on installing and setting up nodeunit, please refer to
Given that being able to actually test the API requires valid API credentials, those can be set in two ways. First, you can create a .stormondemand.json file in your HOME folder.
"username": "<fill-me-in>",
"password": "<fill-me-in>"
The tests will pick this file up and use it for the parameters to creating the API client.
Alternatively, you can set environment variables:
export STORMONDEMAND_USERNAME='<fill-me-in>'
export STORMONDEMAND_PASSWORD='<fill-me-in>'
To run the tests:
cd node-stormondemand
nodeunit .