The docker-compose.yml that is included in this repository is based on the Confluent Platform Docker images. Take a look at the quickstart for the Docker images.
Examples of the example payload converters:
docker-compose up -d
With plain json messages:
# docker exec -it kafkaconnectawslambda_kafka_1 bash
# cd /data
# ./bin/ config/ config/
# docker exec -it kafkaconnectawslambda_connect_1 bash
# kafka-console-producer --broker-list kafka:9092 --topic aws-lambda-topic \
--property parse.key='true' --property key.separator=':'
> K2:{"f1":"A7"}
With JsonPayloadConverter the Lambda function sees:
{ schema: null, payload: { f1: 'A7' } }
With DefaultPayloadConverter the Lambda function sees:
{ kafkaOffset: 34,
timestampType: 'CREATE_TIME',
topic: 'aws-lambda-topic',
kafkaPartition: 0,
keySchema: { type: 'STRING', optional: true },
key: 'K2',
value: { f1: 'A7' },
timestamp: 1518315606220 }
With schema-registry and Avro messages:
# docker exec -it kafkaconnectawslambda_kafka_1 bash
# cd /data
# ./bin/ config/ config/
# docker exec -it kafkaconnectawslambda_connect_1 bash
# kafka-avro-console-producer --broker-list kafka:9092 --topic aws-lambda-topic \
--property value.schema='{"type":"record","name":"test","fields":[{"name":"f1","type":"string"}]}' \
--property schema.registry.url='http://schema_registry:8081/'
With JsonPayloadConverter the Lambda function sees:
{ schema:
{ type: 'struct',
fields: [ [Object] ],
optional: false,
name: 'test',
version: 1 },
payload: { f1: 'AZ' } }
With DefaultPayloadConverter the Lambda function sees:
{ kafkaOffset: 35,
timestampType: 'CREATE_TIME',
topic: 'aws-lambda-topic',
kafkaPartition: 0,
keySchema: { type: 'STRING', optional: true },
{ type: 'STRUCT',
optional: false,
fields: [ [Object] ],
fieldsByName: { f1: [Object] },
name: 'test',
version: 1 },
{ schema:
{ type: 'STRUCT',
optional: false,
fields: [Object],
fieldsByName: [Object],
name: 'test',
version: 1 },
values: [ 'AZ' ] },
timestamp: 1518315749655 }
Start the connector with debugging enabled. This will wait for a debugger to attach.
export SUSPEND='y'
./bin/ config/ config/