This project is based on code from and some additions to simplify the usage of FreeRTOS in embedded applications written in Rust.
In contrast to this crate differs in these points:
- The application
entry point is written in Rust. - The FreeRTOS scheduler can be started from Rust.
- The FreeRTOS heap
is used as global memory allocator for Rust - No need for a Clang skeleton project
The freertos-cargo-build
build-dependency compiles the FreeRTOS code from its original "C" sources files into an
archive to be linked against your Rust app. Internally it uses the cc crate and some meta
info provided by your apps
- A path to the FreeRTOS
- A path to the app specific
- A relative path to the
FreeRTOS port
to be used, e.g. for ARM Cortex-M3 cores. - Optional: Additional C code to be compiled
The freertos-rust
dependency provides an interface to access all FreeRTOS functionality from your (embedded)
Rust app.
Checkout FreeRTOS:
Add dependencies to your Rust apps
[dependencies] freertos-rust = "*" [build-dependencies] freertos-cargo-build = "*"
Add this snippet to your apps
:fn main() { let mut b = freertos_cargo_build::Builder::new(); // Path to FreeRTOS kernel or set ENV "FREERTOS_SRC" instead b.freertos("path/to/FreeRTOS-Kernel"); b.freertos_config("src"); // Location of `FreeRTOSConfig.h` b.freertos_port("GCC/ARM_CM3"); // Port dir relativ to 'FreeRTOS-Kernel/portable' b.heap("heap_4.c"); // Set the heap_?.c allocator to use from // 'FreeRTOS-Kernel/portable/MemMang' (Default: heap_4.c) // b.get_cc().file("More.c"); // Optional additional C-Code to be compiled b.compile().unwrap_or_else(|e| { panic!("{}", e.to_string()) }); }
depends on the cc crate. So the C compiler
used can be set by using the CC
enviroment variable or otherwise defined by internal
defaults. For the ARM architecture this is the arm-none-eabi-gcc
which can be found here.
To get started there are examples in freertos-rust-examples for:
- Cortex M33 (nRF9160)
- Cortex M3 (STM32L151CBU6A)
- Cortex M4 (STM32F411CEU6)
- Windows
- ...more to come...
- To build a project using this create see freertos-cargo-build
- The runtime dependency for you FreeRTOS Rust application will be freertos-rust
This repository is using the MIT License. Some parts might state different licenses that need to be respected when used.
- The Linux port is licensed under GPLv2