Form with..
- field to enter a station name
- multi-select to choose transportation means
=> Use the stationboard resource: http://sbb.xiala.net/#stationboard
Display the results of the station in a table
Bonus #1: Station form field with auto-completion
=> Use the locations resource: http://sbb.xiala.net/#locations
Bonus #2: Deploy it to Heroku!
- Spec first!
- Abstract the API with tested models (use factories; model entities: Station, Board, Connection)
- Write controller specs (use factories)
- Write view specs (use factories)
- Write request specs (use VCR)
- Write feature specs (use VCR)
And again: Write all the specs first with factories!
- Transport API: http://sbb.xiala.net
- Docs
- RSpec: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/
- VCR: https://www.relishapp.com/vcr/
- Factory Girl: https://github.com/thoughtbot/factory_girl/blob/master/GETTING_STARTED.md
- Capybara: https://github.com/jnicklas/capybara
- Shoulda Matchers: https://github.com/thoughtbot/shoulda-matchers