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Arduino library extended from LiquidCrystal_I2C to print UTF-8 strings (Vietnamese, Russian) to LCDs


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LiquidCrystal_I2C_UTF8 (replaced by LCDI2C_Multilingual)

An Arduino library extended from LiquidCrystal_I2C to print Vietnamese, Russian, or specific symbols (in UTF-8) to LCDs like LCD1602A, LCD2004A.

This library was replaced by LCDI2C_Multilingual (

Hardware Required

Similar to LiquidCrystal_I2C

  • MCU dev board: Arduino /Uno/Mini/Nano/Micro, ESP8266, ESP32, WeMos LOLIN D1 Mini, WeMos LOLIN D32, ...

  • LCD (1602, 2004, ...) using controller: Hitachi HD44780U, Wuxi AIP31066, Samsung KS0066, Jewel SPLC780D, Sitronix ST7066

    For convenience, you can buy LCD with an I2C adapter soldered instead doing it yourself.

  • I2C adapter using PCF8574 chip having 1x16-pin or 2x8-pin interface to LCD.

    Refer to table below (for Surenoo LCD series) to find the right I2C adapter:

LCD 0801 0802 1601 1602 1604 2002 2004 2402 4002 4004
Pin type 2x7 +2 2x8 1x16 1x16 1x16 2x8 1x16 2x8 2x8 2x8

I2C Wiring

Similar to LiquidCrystal_I2C

  • Solder or connect I2C's 1x16 (or 2x8) pins to LCD's 1x16 (or 2x8) pins
  • Connect I2C's GND pin to MCU's GND pin
  • Connect I2C's VCC pin to MCU's VIN pin
  • Connect I2C's SCL pin to MCU's SCL pin (see table below for pin location)
  • Connect I2C's SDA pin to MCU's SDA pin (see table below for pin location)
Pin Arduino Uno/Mini/Nano Arduino Micro LOLIN D1 Mini ESP8266 LOLIN D32 ESP32
SCL A5 3 5 D1 22 D22
SDA A4 2 4 D2 21 D21

Find Display Size

LCD 0801 0802 1601 1602 1604 2002 2004 2402 4002 4004
columns 8 8 16 16 16 20 20 24 40 40
rows 1 2 1 2 4 2 4 2 2 4

Find I2C Address

See pin A0, A1, A2 on I2C adapter:

For I2C PCF8574 using TI (Texas Instruments) chip: (most likely 0x27)

I2C TI PCF8574

For I2C PCF8574 using NXP chip: (most likely 0x3F)


Otherwise, use I2C scanning program to detect I2C address:

Write Demo: print a Vietnamese string

#include <LCDI2C_Viet.h>                  // Main class and Vietnamese customized characters
#include <ROM_Standard_JP.h>              // Character mapping for popular LCDs (Japanese ROM)

LiquidCrystal_I2C_Viet lcd(0x27, 16, 2);  // I2C address = 0x27; Display columns = 16, rows = 2

void setup() {
  lcd.init();                             // Initialize the LCD
  lcd.backlight();                        // Turn on the LCD backlight
  lcd.println("Cao đẳng Công thương Việt Nam");
void loop() {}

Write Demo: print a long Russian string

#include <LCDI2C_UTF8.h>                  // Main class
#include <ROM_Surenoo_RU.h>               // Character mapping for Surenoo LCDs (Russian ROM)

LiquidCrystal_I2C_UTF8 lcd(0x27, 20, 2);  // I2C address = 0x27; Display columns = 20, rows = 2

void setup() {
  lcd.init();                             // Initialize the LCD
  lcd.backlight();                        // Turn on the LCD backlight
  lcd.print("Подмосковные вечера - одна из самых популярных советских песен, её исполняли \
известные эстрадные и академические певцы, хоры и оркестры в СССР и за рубежом.", 3);
void loop() {}

Write Demo: print temperature and humidity values

#include <LCDI2C_Viet.h>                  // Main class and Vietnamese customized characters
#include <ROM_Standard_JP.h>              // Character mapping for popular LCDs (Japanese ROM)

LiquidCrystal_I2C_Viet lcd(0x27, 16, 2);  // I2C address = 0x27; Display columns = 16, rows = 2

void setup() {
  lcd.init();                             // Initialize the LCD
  lcd.backlight();                        // Turn on the LCD backlight

  float temp = 25.78;
  float humi = 9.431;
  char buff[7];
  sprintf(buff, "%.1f", temp);
  lcd.print("Nhiệt độ: "); lcd.print(buff); lcd.println("°C");
  lcd.println("Độ ẩm β:   " + String(humi, 2) + '%');
void loop() {}

See more demos in examples folder.

What header files to include

2 header files required to be included in the program.

First header file

For main class, customized character set and UTF-8 character mapping to that set.

Include one of the following files depending on character set needed

Character set LCDI2C_UTF8.h LCDI22C_Viet.h
Customized symbols degree (°) degree (°)
Vietnamese ✔️⚠️

⚠️ Due to CGRAM limit, maximum of 8 different Vietnamese letters with diacritics can be printed on a screen, otherwise diacritics will be removed from excessive letters. But it's usually adequate to print full of Vietnamese text on LCD0801, LCD0802, LCD1601, LCD1602.

Second header file

For mapping specific UTF-8 character set to LCD ROM's built-in character set.

Include one of the following files depending on LCD's ROM type

ROM_Standard_JP.h ROM_Standard_EU.h ROM_Standard_RU.h ROM_Surenoo_RU.h
For LCD chips HD44780UA00, AIP31066, KS0066F00, KS0066F04, SPLC780D, ST7066-0A AIP31066W2, ST7066-0B HD44780UA02 Surenoo SLC series (Russian)
English ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Russian Capital letters only ✔️
Special symbols ÷ √ ∞ → ← ± ≈ ² ³ × ÷ ≤ ≥ √ ∞ ↵ ↑ ↓ → ← ↵ ↑ ↓ → ← ≤ ≥ ± ² ³ × ÷ ∞ ↵ ↑ → ↓ ← ×
Greek symbols Σ Ω α β δ ε θ μ π ρ Σ Ω α β γ δ ε η θ μ π ρ σ ψ ω Σ Ω α β δ ε θ μ π σ ω
Currency symbols ¥ ¢ £ ¥ ¢ £ ¥ ¢ £

Function print()

  • print(text): print UTF-8 text (String or char[]) to LCD

If no room in current line for the next word, it'll be printed in the next line.

  • print(text, nsec): print long text with nsec seconds paused

If no room in the screen to print more, wait nsec seconds for audiences to read before clearing to print the next part.

Not yet support

  • Autoscroll
  • Printing Japanese Kana on LCDs with Japanese standard ROM(!)
  • Printing European languages on LCDs with European standard ROM(!)
  • createChar: CGRAM is being used for our customized characters. It'll be reserved for user-defined characters in the future.


Arduino library extended from LiquidCrystal_I2C to print UTF-8 strings (Vietnamese, Russian) to LCDs







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