Web editor for the LODA language so programs can run in the browser.
Examples to try out:
LODA-RUST is a Rust implementation of the LODA-CPP project.
The web editor uses LODA-RUST to run LODA programs in the browser.
The LODA-RUST command line interface is available for Linux/macOS/Windows. It can do these things:
- Evaluate a LODA program.
- Identify recurring patterns across LODA programs.
- Experimental LODA miner.
Please instead use Christian Krause's c++ LODA miner, it's better.
The LODA-RUST miner is experimental, and not yet as good.
LODA-RUST mining guide and verbose guide to mining on raspberrypi.
If you have CPU to spare, run the LODA miner and help discover new programs.