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Chat Logo



Version 1.0

An open chat-room where everyone with an IP and a browser can post!

Technologies Used

Technical Conception

  • An open chat room that updates upon receiving a new message.
  • A PostgreSQL database stores 5 messages - when limit is exceeded older messages get deleted until the limit is matched again
  • Frontend and database are communicating over restAPI
  • User can input messages of up to 280 characters (empty messages are not allowed)
  • User input checks are both on the client- and server side, checking for valid character length and making sure the input isn't empty
  • Messages are stored using this endpoint: /api/messages
  • When the API completes the database queries successfully a Pusher event is triggered.
  • In the frontend a useEffect is subscribed to a Pusher channel
  • When receiving a signal from Pusher the frontend triggers a React rerender by updating the states with the newest messages


Mobile layout

Screen layout

  • The chat interface has a simplistic design in the spirit of old open chat rooms.
  • Navigation consists of two elements: the chat logo leading to the chat and a statistics icon leading to a D3 chart
  • Responsive design: Screen resolution covered: Mobile to 1080p

First notification

Second notification

  • Visual feedback: the messaging system is designed to allow only short messages. To keep the user informed there is a character count and additional alerts when the character limit is reached or exceeded
  • Although most of the app is styed using Tailwind I do use CSS in special cases like the animated statistics button and the D3 chart
  • All drawings and icons were made by myself using Affinity Designer

Feature List

  • Character limit & maximum stored messages are controlled by the global variables "globalCharacterLimit" and "globalMessageLimit". By default they are set to 280 and 5 (util/variables/globalVariables.ts).
  • Character limit is checked client and server side to ensure the correct format at all times
  • Links are being rendered as clickable links using a regex.

Simple D3 chart tracking browser usage

  • A d3 chart visualizes the most used browser among the stored chat messages D3 Statistic


  • Add ent-to-end tests
  • Add default 404 page
  • Connect chart to websocket for live updates



  • Send button allows super-fast-double clicking
  • Sometimes the statistics bar don't appear descending by message number as intended
  • Sometimes the URL regex responsible for identifying links fails

Local setup (using pnpm / npm will work as well)

  1. To run the project locally you need postgres installed on your computer and an access to a pusher channel.
  2. After cloning the repo on your computer use pnpm i
  3. Set up a local database using the terminal
CREATE DATABASE <database name>;
CREATE USER <user name> WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '<user password>';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE <database name> TO <user name>;
\connect <database name>;
CREATE SCHEMA <user name> AUTHORIZATION <user name>;
  1. create a .env file with your database and pusher credentials like so:
PGUSERNAME=<user name>
PGPASSWORD=<user password>
PGDATABASE=<database name>


PUSHER_APP_ID=<pusher id>
PUSHER_KEY=<pusher key>
PUSHER_SECRET=<pusher secret>
PUSHER_CLUSTER=<pusher cluster>

  1. Before using pnpm dev you have to migrate up using pnpm migrate up

  2. All set!!