Releases: lucasw/ros_from_src
ROS 22.04 build 7 - vdb_mapping + mavros_msgs
Latest from
Built openvdb from source so vdb_mapping could compile.
Added mavros_msgs (but not building rest of mavros yet).
The debs have an issue, the installed files weren't working properly- probably should document that and remove them from this release.
Install tgz url that works with curl in github actions:
ROS 22.04 build 6
Latest from (will clean up that branch and merge into default branch later)
TODO Make a docker image that uses this also (instead of building from scratch, use the full deb below)
ROS 22.04 build 5 robot_state_publisher
Passes CI and reflects what is in the main core branch, some new packages and some removed packages
The .deb file is from but should be very close to what is in the source here- will make a proper consistent release when that branch is stable
ROS 22.04 build 4 rtabmap
New robot_state_publisher with copy_transform header, and rtabmap
Need to run this or similar for rtabmap
sed -i "s@/home/runner/work/ros_from_src/ros_from_src/install_base_catkin_ws@`pwd`@" install/share/rtabmap_ros/cmake/rtabmap_rosConfig.cmake
ROS 22.04 build 3
Many ros packages built for 22.04 using a github action. Download this then source install/setup.bash and overlay a devel or install workspace.
Change since last release is to build updated tf_demo, latest versions of probably several other packages that aren't my forks
ROS 22.04 build 2
Many ros packages built for 22.04 using a github action. Download this then source install/setup.bash and overlay a devel or install workspace.
ROS 22.04 build
Many ros packages built for 22.04 using a github action. Download this then source install/setup.bash and overlay a devel or install workspace.