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Tutorial: How to Build a Custom Panel

Andrew Thanalertvisuti edited this page Mar 16, 2015 · 6 revisions

In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to build a new custom panel in Banana dashboard.

  • Copy this template directory to your banana/src/app/panels/ and rename it to reflect the functionality of our panel. For example, in this tutorial, we will create a custom panel that draw a bar chart using D3.js, so let's name this panel, bar, and rename the directory accordingly to banana/src/app/panels/bar/.

  • Inside the bar panel directory, we should see three files:

    1. editor.html - this is the view code for the panel's settings page.
    2. module.html - this is the view code (visual representation on the dashboard) of the panel.
    3. module.js - this is where we define the panel's controller code.
  • Let's define the settings for the bar panel. To keep it simple, we will only define two settings. First setting is the field for displaying values on the bar chart. And second setting is the number of rows that we want to retrieve results from Solr. Here is the code for editor.html:

      <div class="row-fluid">
          <div class="span3">
              <label class="small">
                  Field for displaying values <tip>Specify a field to show values on the bar chart</tip>
              <input type="text" class="input-small" bs-typeahead="fields.list" ng-model="panel.field" ng-change="set_refresh(true)">
          <div class="span2">
              <label class="small">
                  Number of Rows <tip>Specify a number of rows to retrieve the result set.</tip>
              <input class="input-small" type="number" ng-model="panel.max_rows" ng-change="set_refresh(true)">
  • And this is what the bar panel's settings page (editor.html) looks like: Panel's settings page

  • Next, let's edit module.html to display the bar chart on the dashboard. We can also include CSS code to customize the chart stylings. Here we will specify two stylings; one for 'rect' element to show the chart in steel blue color, and the other for 'text' element to show the text color on the chart in white. Here is the code for module.html:

      <div ng-controller="bar" ng-init="init()">
              bar-chart rect {
                  fill: steelblue;
              bar-chart text {
                  fill: white;
                  font: 10px sans-serif;
                  text-anchor: end;
  • And this is what the bar panel will look like on the dashboard: Our bar panel

  • Note that <bar-chart> is an AngularJS directive that we will define in the next step. This directive is responsible for drawing our chart (the presentation layer).

  • module.js is where our controller code lives. We will define the default settings of the panel, the business logics (e.g. sending requests to Solr and transforming responses from Solr), and the panel's directive for drawing the chart. Let's take a look at the complete code of module.js and then we will go through each section to understand them.

  • Since we will use D3.js to draw the chart, we need to inject it into our module at the beginning of module.js:

      function (angular, app, _, $, d3) {
  • Then we name our module and controller and bar respectively:

      var module = angular.module('', []);
      module.controller('bar', function($scope, dashboard, querySrv, filterSrv) {...}
  • Next, we define $scope.panelMeta which provides meta data about the panel. In general, we will only need to edit status and description of the panel. The list of possible statuses are: Experimental, Beta, Stable, and Deprecated.

      $scope.panelMeta = {
          modals: [
                  description: 'Inspect',
                  icon: 'icon-info-sign',
                  partial: 'app/partials/inspector.html',
                  show: $scope.panel.spyable
          editorTabs: [
                  title: 'Queries',
                  src: 'app/partials/querySelect.html'
          status: 'Experimental',
          description: 'Bar module for tutorial'
  • Next, we define the panel's default properties and values. These settings can be accessed via $scope.panel object. In editor.html, we expose two settings which are $scope.panel.field and $scope.panel.max_rows, so the user can configure them through the UI:

      var _d = {
          queries: {
              mode: 'all',
              query: '*:*',
              custom: ''
          field: '',
          max_rows: 10,
          spyable: true,
          show_queries: true
      _.defaults($scope.panel, _d);
  • $scope.init() function is for initializing the panel. Here, we also set the listener on refresh event. So whenever the dashboard got refreshed, $scope.get_data() will be called to get data from Solr and update the panel. Almost all Banana panels will have the same code for $scope.init().

      $scope.init = function() {
  • $scope.set_refresh(state) function is used to trigger the refresh event by setting it to true like this $scope.set_refresh(true):

      $scope.set_refresh = function(state) {
          $scope.refresh = state;
  • $scope.close_edit() function is called whenever we close the panel's settings page (editor.html):

      $scope.close_edit = function() {
          if ($scope.refresh) {
          $scope.refresh = false;
  • $scope.render() function is used to send the render event so the panel will be redrawn:

      $scope.render = function() {
  • $scope.get_data() function is the main function where Solr requests will be sent and responses will be processed according to our logics and then rendered on the panel:

      $scope.get_data = function() {
          // Show the spinning wheel icon
          $scope.panelMeta.loading = true;
          // Set Solr server
          $scope.sjs.client.server(dashboard.current.solr.server + dashboard.current.solr.core_name);
          var request = $scope.sjs.Request();
          // Construct Solr query
          var fq = '';
          if (filterSrv.getSolrFq() && filterSrv.getSolrFq() != '') {
              fq = '&' + filterSrv.getSolrFq();
          var wt = '&wt=csv';
          var fl = '&fl=' + $scope.panel.field;
          var rows_limit = '&rows=' + $scope.panel.max_rows;
          $scope.panel.queries.query = querySrv.getQuery(0) + fq + fl + wt + rows_limit;
          // Set the additional custom query
          if ($scope.panel.queries.custom != null) {
              request = request.setQuery($scope.panel.queries.query + $scope.panel.queries.custom);
          } else {
              request = request.setQuery($scope.panel.queries.query);
          // Execute the search and get results
          var results = request.doSearch();
          // Populate scope when we have results
          results.then(function(results) {
              $ = {};
              var parsedResults = d3.csv.parse(results, function(d) {
                  d[$scope.panel.field] = +d[$scope.panel.field]; // coerce to number
                  return d;
              $ = _.pluck(parsedResults,$scope.panel.field);
          // Hide the spinning wheel icon
          $scope.panelMeta.loading = false; 
  • Next, we will define our panel's directive for drawing the bar chart. Here we name our directive barChart so in module.html, we have to call it <bar-chart> following the AngularJS rule. The main logic is in render_panel() function. In there, we setup our D3 bar chart's height and width. Then we use the parsed results from Solr stored in to draw the bar chart (inside directive, we do not need to prepend $ to the scope variable when referencing it):

      module.directive('barChart', function() {
          return {
              restrict: 'E',
              link: function(scope, element) {
                  // Render the panel when resizing browser window
                  angular.element(window).bind('resize', function() {
                  // Function for rendering panel
                  function render_panel() {
                      // Clear the panel
                      var parent_width = element.parent().width(),
                          height = parseInt(scope.row.height),
                          width = parent_width - 20,
                          barHeight = height /;
                      var x = d3.scale.linear()
                              .domain([0, d3.max(])
                              .range([0, width]);
                      var chart =[0]).append('svg')
                                  .attr('width', width)
                                  .attr('height', height)
                      var bar = chart.selectAll('g')
                                  .attr('transform', function(d,i) {
                                      return 'translate(0,' + i * barHeight + ")";
                          .attr('width', x)
                          .attr('height', barHeight - 1);
                          .attr('x', function(d) { return x(d) - 3; })
                          .attr('y', barHeight / 2)
                          .attr('dy', '.35em')
                          .text(function(d) { return d; });
  • Add the new panel name to panel_names array in banana/src/config.js, so that it will show up in the drop-down box in the "Add Panel" interface.

      panel_names: [

Add panel page

  • That's it! Now you should be able to add the bar panel to the dashboard after refreshing your browser. If the panel does not show up, you may need to restart your web server that hosting Banana or clearing your browser's cache. Let's create some cool custom panels and share with our community!
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