Print pure elm-syntax
declarations as
roc code.
import Elm.Parser
import ElmSyntaxToRoc
"""module Sample exposing (..)
plus2 n =
n + ([ 2 ] |> List.sum)
|> Elm.Parser.parseToFile
|> Result.mapError (\_ -> "failed to parse elm source code")
(\syntaxModule ->
[ syntaxModule ]
|> ElmSyntaxToRoc.modules
|> .declarations
|> ElmSyntaxToRoc.rocDeclarationsToModuleString
Ok """module [
samplePlus2 =
\n ->
Num.add n (List.sum [ 2 ])
..and some default declarations..
To try it out, you can run this node script.
- only a subset of elm is currently supported. not supported:
- ports, glsl, the prefix operator functions
, curried functions (Basics.remainderBy 2)
or applicative pipelines String
uses UTF-8 instead of UTF-16 internally which means some helpers relying on code point offsets (likeString.length
) can return different resultsChar.toUpper
only convert latin letters a-Z and keep any other letter unchanged++
will default toList.append
unless one of the arguments is a string literal. So e.g. usea ++ b ++ ""
to append string variables (which is also faster in elm). Similarly, sorting operations<
will only work on numbers, and^
will not work if either argument is a concreteInt
variable)- using True or False in a
pattern - potential future candidates:
. Any help appreciated!
- no checks are performed before transpiling to roc. So if you don't add a compile check of your elm input, you might e.g. get a running program that circumvents an elm opaque type or phantom type, or a roc program that can't be run
- not much care has been put into making the resulting code readable or even conventionally formatted and comments are not preserved
Please report any issues you notice <3
- it runs decently fast and can target Wasm
- it's pretty much a superset of elm and doesn't require any types which makes transpiling trivial (for the record I failed at transpiling to rust because I was not skilled enough to generate types for types like curried rc'd closures)