This is a REST API of a movie club, using mysql as data base. Having tables for users
, movies
and orders
First clone the repository:
git clone
enter in the cloned repo
cd movieClubBackend
or open in your IDE, for examplecode movieClubBackend
if you're using VSC. -
Install all the dependencies:
npm i
change:"development": { ..., "password": process.env.DB_PASSWORD || null, "database": process.env.DB_NAME || 'database_development', ... }
"development": { ..., "password": process.env.DB_PASSWORD || "your_root_password", "database": process.env.DB_NAME || "yourDatabaseName", ... }
Create the data base:
You need to have mysql installed and running on your computer for this to work. At the first time you may need to create the db directly on mysql (or your UI to use it (like Mysql Workbench)) since sometimes the
sequelize db:create
bugs, but after creating it will work fine so whenever you drop your db you can recreate by the command instead of manually.NPM
npx sequelize db:create
yarn sequelize db:create
Make the migrations:
npx sequelize db:migrate
yarn sequelize db:migrate
Run the server:
npm run dev
yarn nodemon
In your root repository create a .env
file and add this:
# index.js
PORT=3000 # server port
# config/auth
AUTH_SECRET="ShhDon'tTellHim" # Key the encryption will use to run
AUTH_EXPIRES="24h" # Token expiration
AUTH_ROUNDS=10 # Times the encryption will be done
# DB.js
DB_HOST="" # DB server
DB_PORT="3306" # Port of DB
DB_DIALECT="mysql" # Type of DB
# DB.js & models/index
DB_NAME="yourDatabaseName" # Name of DB
DB_USER="root" # Name of DB superuser
DB_PASSWORD="YourRootPassword" # Password of superuser
# models/index
NODE_ENV="development" # Type of environment at config/config.js
############ You can ignore from here on out. ############
############ Its just a example of how it will be on your deployment
############ you probably wont need those variables below.
## Deploy DB
## Remove the comments of those lines bellow and add a comment to
## the lines above with same variable names to change from
## development db to production one.
# DB_HOST="" # DB server url generated by cleardb
# DB_PORT="3306"
# DB_DIALECT="mysql"
# DB_NAME="heroku_yourName" # DB name generated by heroku
# DB_USER="user" # DB superuser generated by heroku
# DB_PASSWORD="password" # superuser password generated by heroku
# NODE_ENV="production"
Now you are ready to use it.
%%{init: {
'theme': 'base',
'themeVariables': {
'primaryColor': '#282a36',
'primaryTextColor': '#282a36',
'mainBkg': '#bd93f9',
'lineColor': '#6272a4'
USER ||--o{ ORDER : ""
integer id
string name
integer age
string surname
string email
string nickname
string password
boolean isAdmin
date createdAt
date updatedAt
integer id
integer price
integer movieId
integer userId
date createdAt
date updatedAt
MOVIE ||--o{ ORDER : ""
integer id
string title
string description
boolean adult
float popularity
string image
string date
date createdAt
date updatedAt
, updatedAt
, id
, are obligatory and auto-generated.
the id
is the Primary Key of the tables.
USER name
, email
, are obligatory.
USER email
, nickname
, are unique.
MOVIE title
, description
, adult
, are obligatory.
ORDER movieId
, userId
, date
, are obligatory.
and userId
are the MOVIE and the USER Foreign Key respectively.
You may see references for the Primary Key as pk
and for the foreign key as fk
To see the endpoints and how they works, check our documentation.
- Improve admin rights
- - User
- Creation of payment
- Refactor of view-controllers to be more restful
- - User
- - Movie
- - Order
- - MovieDB
- turn some endpoints in more generic versions of them to be more scalable
- Field validation
- - Email, Name, Nickname should NOT allow blank values ("")
- - Email should NOT accept non email values (asdf = error, asdf@asdf = error, asdf@asdf.asdf = valid)
- - Password minimal length and complexity.
- - Return all input errors at once.
- Automated tests
- Adding error responses to the documentation
- - Don't allow null, empty or undefined in any field that don't make sense to be so.
- - Create default user when db is generated by the fist time (if is everything empty).
- - If new admin where created it need to be accepted by other admin before it can use its account.