This class provides a simple interface to the Instapaper Simple API. It provides a method for each of the APIs, to which requests are sent asynchronously, and a delegate protocol is used to let the caller know when the requests have finished. It was developed for iOS, but may well work on Mac OS X, too. The only prerequisite is NSData+Base64.
- (id)initWithUsername:(NSString *)username password:(NSString *)password delegate:(id<LTInstapaperAPIDelegate>)delegate;
username - Email address or username to use to authenticate to Instapaper.
password -
Password to use to authenticate to Instapaper. May be nil
delegate - The delegate of the LTInstapaperAPI object.
The password is optional. You'll want to implement an LTInstapaperAPIDelegate to handle the success or failure of your API calls.
- (void)authenticate;
Authenticates to the Instapaper API. The authentication call will be made
asynchronously. Upon completion, the instapaper:authDidFinishWithCode:
delegate method will be called.
- (void)addURL:(NSString *)url;
url - String representation of the URL to be added to Instapaper.
Adds a URL to Instapaper. The API call will be made asynchronously. Upon
completion, the instapaper:addDidFinishWithCode:
delegate method will be
- (void)addURL:(NSString *)url title:(NSString *)title;
url - String representation of the URL to be added to Instapaper.
title - Title to be associated with the URL.
Adds a URL and associated title to Instapaper. The API call will be made
asynchronously. Upon completion, the instapaper:addDidFinishWithCode:
delegate method will be called.
- (void)addURL:(NSString *)url title:(NSString *)title selection:(NSString *)selection;
url - String representation of the URL to be added to Instapaper.
title - Title to be associated with the URL.
selection - Text to be displayed as the description for the URL in the Instapaper interface.
Adds a URL and associated title and selection to Instapaper. The API call will
be made asynchronously. Upon completion, the
delegate method will be called.
- (void) instapaper:(LTInstapaperAPI *)instapaper authDidFinishWithCode:(NSUInteger)code;
instapaper - Instance of LTInstapaperAPI that made the authentication API call.
code - The status code returned by the Instapaper API. As of this writing, the possible values are:
- 200: OK
- 403: Invalid username or password.
- 500: The service encountered an error. Please try again later.
It's important to check the status code to determine the outcome of the API call. If the code is 200, save the username and password. If it's 403, prompt the user again. And if it's 500, suggest that they try again later.
- (void) instapaper:(LTInstapaperAPI *)instapaper addDidFinishWithCode:(NSUInteger)code;
instapaper - Instance of LTInstapaperAPI that made the authentication API call.
code - The status code returned by the Instapaper API. As of this writing, the possible values are:
- 201: This URL has been successfully added to this Instapaper account.
- 400: Bad request or exceeded the rate limit. Probably missing a required
parameter, such as
. - 403: Invalid username or password.
- 500: The service encountered an error. Please try again later.
It's important to check the status code to determine the outcome of the API call. If the code is 201, you're done. If it's 400, warn the user that she may have exceeded Instapaper's rate limit and to try again later. If it's 403, prompt the user for username and password again. And if it's 500, suggest that they try again later.
Here's a quick example using the authentication API call:
- (IBAction)login {
[super login];
LTInstapaperAPI *ipaper = [[LTInstapaperAPI alloc]
self.instapaper = ipaper;
[ipaper release];
[instapaper authenticate];
- (void)instapaper:(LTInstapaperAPI *)ip authDidFinishWithCode:(NSUInteger)code {
if (code == 200) {
[self succeeded];
} else {
NSString *message = NSLocalizedString(code == 403
? @"Invalid username or password. Please try again."
: @"The service encountered an error. Please try again later.",
[self authFailedWithMessage:message];
Use of the add API is much the same. For storage of the username and password,
you can store the former wherever you like. But I strongly recommend storing
the password in the keychain. The simplest way to do so is to use
An example of how the succeeded:
method above might be implemented:
#import "SFHFKeychainUtils.h"
- (void)succeeded {
NSError *error = nil;
[SFHFKeychainUtils storeUsername:username
forServiceName:@"Instapaper" updateExisting:YES error:&error];
if (error == nil) {
// All good. Save the username and return.
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:username forKey:@"InstapaperUsername"];
} else {
// Hrm, something went wrong. Try again.
UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc]
initWithTitle:@"Keychain Error"
message:@"Hrm, something went wrong with the keychain. Please try again"
[alert show];
[alert autorelease];
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