This repository holds Sphinx source files for website.
Contributions are always welcomed, from tiny typos to enhancements. Feel free to make pull-requests to this repository.
- Sphinx 1.1.3 + pngmath + blockdiag
Easy setup for Ubuntu 12.04 systems:
# apt-get install python-sphinx latex-cjk-japanese texlive-latex-extra dvipng
# pip install sphinxcontrib-blockdiag
First of all, clone this repository (if you don't have a commit access, use your fork).
$ git clone
Edit the document.
$ edit source/index.rst
Build and preview the changes you made.
$ omake html
$ open build/html/index.html
Looks good? Now, push it.
$ git push origin master
Then open a pull-request.
For Jubatus members: you can deploy it to website.
$ ./