A packge that provides IOS6 style UI elements. Mainly implemented with SwiftUI and similar behaviors as SwiftUI.
- IOS6NavigationView
- IOS6NavigationLink
- IOS6RootView
- IOS6TabView
- IOS6Form
- IOS6List
- IOS6Slider
- IOS6Badge
- IOS6ListBadge
- ios6RootBackground
- ios6StatusBar
- ios6FormCellPosition
- ios6FormSectionFont
- ios6FormSectionFontBold
- ios6ListSectionHeader
- ios6SliderStyle
- ios6TabBarStyle
- ios6TabItem
- ios6Tag
- ios6NavigationTitle
- ios6ForegroundColor
- present
- scaledFont
- etched
- ios6PresentationMode
- IOS6DefaultButtonStyle
- IOS6FormButtonStyle
- IOS6ListButtonStyle
- IOS6ToggleStyle
- IOS6BlueDiamondTabBarStyle
- IOS6BlueSliderStyle
- IOS6StackNavigationViewStyle
- IOS6DoubleColumnNavigationViewStyle
- IOS6BlueNavigationAppearance
- IOS6GrayNavigationAppearance
- IOS6TabBarStyle
- IOS6SliderStyle
- IOS6NavigationViewStyle
- IOS6NavigationAppearance
- IOS6PresetTableCell
- IOS6PresetSignBadge
Device: iPhone and iPad System: IOS 13.0.0 ~ IOS 13.6.1. ( IOS 14 has not been tested yet. )
In Xcode 11 or greater, under your project, select: File > Swift Packages > Add Pacakage Dependency
Copy the address from github into search bar and hit the enter key. For more details, just google Add Swift Package in Xcode
(Suggestions: Preset views are recommanded pre-implemented elements. Designed for saving time.)
Everything listed in the Feature section are useable. Here is an recommended implementation:
import SwiftUI
import IOS6SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var isOn = false
@State private var progess = 0.0
var body: some View {
IOS6RootView {
IOS6NavigationView {
IOS6Form {
Section(header: Text("App:").ios6FormSectionFontBold(), footer: Text("This is the comment").ios6FormSectionFont()) {
IOS6Slider(value: self.$progess)
IOS6Toggle(isOn: self.$isOn) {
IOS6PresetTableCell(image: Image("AppleIDiCloud"), title: "iCloud")
.ios6ToggleColor(Color(red: 255.0/255.0, green: 127.0/255.0, blue: 2.0/255.0))
IOS6NavigationLink(destination: Text("Game Center").ios6NavigationBarTitle("Game Center")) {
IOS6PresetTableCell(image: Image("AppleIDMessages"), title: "Messages", comment: "New Messages")
IOS6NavigationLink(destination: Text("FaceTime").ios6NavigationBarTitle("FaceTime")) {
IOS6PresetTableCell(image: Image("AppleIDFaceTime"), title: "FaceTime", comment: IOS6ListBadge(text: "1"))
IOS6NavigationLink(destination: Text("Game Center").ios6NavigationBarTitle("Game Center")) {
IOS6PresetTableCell(image: Image("AppleIDGameCenter"), title: "Game Center")
- Optimize for IOS 14
- Add notification icon to tab item
- Archive v.1.0.0 [passed]
- More Navigation Styles (eg. Map)
- iPad Double Column NavigationView Style
- Reimplement IOS6NavigationView and improve efficiency
- Test IOS6Slider init and fix min/max label and add onEditChange
- add ios6SliderStyle
- Fix IOS6Slider range and adopt new APIs
- Allow tab item changing on time
- Add an example project
- Add tag, ios6tabview now memorize loaded view
- Add IOS6TabBarStyle
- Add more documents
- fix toggle disable mode
- Fix over extended toggle touch area
- Add IOS6List
- Undismissable sheet
- present customized system model
- allow multi-modal in same level
- set private framework
- bring presentMode to IOS6NavigationView
- add disabled navigation control
- rename IOS6FormRow to IOS6TableCell
- ios6ForegroundColor, IOS6FormRowAdv
- Test modal is enabled at start
- present Model
- generalize all items not to list
- IOS6Button
- Combine IOS6NavigationLinkItem and IOS6ToggleItem into IOS6FormRow
- update IOS6Toggle API
- ios6NavigationBarTitle modifer
- anti refresh
- without section, navigation links give correct the shape