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DS is a Differential Synchronization, idea comes from Neil Fraser


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Inspired by Neil Fraser, Differential Synchronization.

Image of DS


// Deprecated!
+(NSDictionary *)diffShadowAndClient:(NSArray *)client shadow:(NSArray *)shadow;

// Use below
+(NSDictionary *)diffWins:(NSArray *)wins andLoses:(NSArray *)loses;

[DS diffWins: shadow andLoses: client];


This method doesn't find out duplicate objs.
+(NSDictionary *)diffWins:(NSArray *)wins
                    loses:(NSArray *)loses;
// ** Now if there is no any add, delete, replace in the diff, diff will be nil. **
NSDictionary *diff = [DS diffWins: ["A"] loses: ["A"]];
// diff is nil.

// primaryKey is for finding duplicate objs.
+(NSDictionary *)diffWins:(NSArray *)wins
                    loses:(NSArray *)loses
               primaryKey:(NSString *)key;

// This method will find out duplicate objs and pass out to you.
// You can choose which value you want to keep. return YES if you want to keep newValue.
+(NSArray *)mergeInto:(NSArray *)array
            applyDiff:(NSDictionary *)diff
           primaryKey:(NSString *)key
        shouldReplace:(BOOL(^)(id oldValue, id newValue))shouldReplace;


Differential Synchronizatioin step by step

  1. diff client and shadow
  2. create a newClient and make it equal to remote
  3. apply client_shadow (step.1) into newClient (step.2)
  4. diff remote and newClient (step.3)
  5. push diff (step.4) to remote, so that new remote == new client
  6. if push success, save new client in shadow


This example you can refer to Tests.m line: 148, test 3.1

NSArray *remote = @[@"A", @"B", @"C"];
NSArray *client = @[@"A", @"B", @"C", @"D"]; // client add "D"
NSArray *shadow = @[@"A", @"B", @"C"]; // last synchronized result == remote

// obtain a diff from client and shadow.
NSDictionary *diff_client_shadow = [DS diffShadowAndClient: client shadow: shadow];

// create a newClient and make it equal to remote
NSArray *newClient = remote;

// obtain a new client that applied diff_remote_client and diff_client_shadow.
newClient = [DS mergeInto: newClient applyDiff: diff_client_shadow];

// obtain a diff from remote and newClient.
NSDictionary *need_to_apply_to_remote = [DS diffShadowAndClient: newClient shadow: shadow];

// assuming push diff to remote.
NSArray *newRemote = [DS mergeInto: remote applyDiff: need_to_apply_to_remote];

// assuming push successfully. save newRemote in shadow
shadow = newRemote

// shadow == newRemote == newClient = @[@"A", @"B", @"C", @"D"];
New Method for duplicate objects

 Get a array that from diff and find duplicate.
 @param array into the array that will be patched by diff.
 @param diff diff the diff object between two dictionaries. it contains keys ("add", "delete", "replace")
 @param key primaryKey
 @param shouldReplace shouldReplace block sent a oldValue and newValue data and return a Boolean that you can choose that whether you want to replace it or not.

  @return return array that old data merge new diff.
+(NSArray *)mergeInto:(NSArray *)array
            applyDiff:(NSDictionary *)diff
           primaryKey:(NSString *)key
        shouldReplace:(BOOL(^)(id oldValue, id newValue))shouldReplace;

This example you can refer to DuplicateTests.m line: 41, test Spec: "commitId passed, remoteHash passed, example in"

 describe(@"commitId passed, remoteHash passed, example in", ^{
  NSArray *remote = @[
                      @{@"name": @"A", @"url": @"A"},
                      @{@"name": @"B", @"url": @"B"},
                      @{@"name": @"C", @"url": @"C"}
  // client add "D", change A' url to A1
  NSArray *client = @[
                      @{@"name": @"A", @"url": @"A1"},
                      @{@"name": @"C", @"url": @"C"},
                      @{@"name": @"D", @"url": @"D"}
  // last synchronized result == remote
  NSArray *shadow = @[
                      @{@"name": @"A", @"url": @"A"},
                      @{@"name": @"B", @"url": @"B"},
                      @{@"name": @"C", @"url": @"C"}
  // diff
  // add    : [@{@"name": @"D", @"url": @"D"}]
  // delete : [@{@"name": @"B", @"url": @"B"}, @{@"name": @"A", @"url": @"A"}]
  // replace: [@{@"name": @A", @"url": @"A1"}]
  NSDictionary *diff_client_shadow = [DS diffWins: client loses: shadow primaryKey: @"name"];
   // shadow @[@{@"name": @"A", @"url": @"A"},
               @{@"name": @"B", @"url": @"B"},
               @{@"name": @"C", @"url": @"C"}]
   // diff
   // add    : [@{@"name": @"D", @"url": @"D"}],
   // delete : [@{@"name": @"B", @"url": @"B"}, @{@"name": @"A", @"url": @"A"}]
   // replace: [@{@"name": @A", @"url": @"A1"}]
  NSArray *newClient = remote;
  newClient = [DS mergeInto: newClient
                  applyDiff: diff_client_shadow
                 primaryKey: @"name"
              shouldReplace:^BOOL(id oldValue, id newValue) {
    return YES;
  // diff newClient and remote
  NSDictionary *need_to_apply_to_remote = [DS diffWins: newClient loses: remote primaryKey: @"name"];
  // push diff_newClient_Remote to remote
  NSArray *newRemote = [DS mergeInto: remote applyDiff: need_to_apply_to_remote];
  it(@"client == remote", ^{
    expect([newClient dictSort]).to.equal([newRemote dictSort]);
    expect([newClient dictSort]).to.equal(@[
                                            @{@"name": @"A", @"url": @"A1"},
                                            @{@"name": @"C", @"url": @"C"},
                                            @{@"name": @"D", @"url": @"D"}


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

DS is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:


Drag DS.h/DS.m into your project.

Use Cocoapods

pod "DS", :git=> ''


pod "DS"




DS is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


DS is a Differential Synchronization, idea comes from Neil Fraser








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