The main parts of this repository is in folder GeneticAlgorithm. SteadyStateGeneticAlgorithm.R and are the main source code. Real-Parameter Optimazation Problem are supposed to be solved in this repository, at least for now.
For file SteadyStateGeneticAlgorithm.R, there are 2 library must be installed first, ggplot2 and dplyr. These library can be installed via RStudio or execute following code in your R's terminal.
install.packages(c("ggplot2", "dplyr"))
When the execution of file SteadyStateGeneticAlgorithm.R is finish, it's show that max[f(x,y)] if and only if x,y = 0.
Install these 2 python module, numpy and pandas
pip install numpy
pip install pandas
Run the file in your python IDE, or, if python had been installed in your system, open your terminal, change the current working directory to the directory where file belongs to, then execute the following code