gleif is a minimal R client for the gleif API. A major challenge when dealing with financial data is the mapping of entities across different data sources. Especially when dealing with legal entities, the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) can be used to uniquely identify entities.
You can install the development version of gleif from GitHub with:
# install.packages("pak")
Currently only the download of the lei mapping data is supported.
mapping <- lei_mapping("isin")
#> 'data.frame': 7481018 obs. of 2 variables:
#> $ lei : chr "001GPB6A9XPE8XJICC14" "00EHHQ2ZHDCFXJCPCL46" "00KLB2PFTM3060S2"..
#> $ isin: chr "US3158052262" "US92204Q1031" "US4138382027" "US4138385749" ...
- gleifr - R package to support analysis of GLEIF data