Yggdrasill is a super set of tools, for NestJS (https://docs.nestjs.com/), that simplify development and deployment. Zero configuration. Fully dockerized.
What's Yggdrasill? Yggdrasil (from Old Norse Yggdrasill) is an immense mythical tree that plays a central role in Norse cosmology, where it connects the Nine Worlds. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yggdrasil).
The purpose of this repository is to unify and simplify the use of some very useful tools, such as:
- Prisma (https://www.prisma.io/)
- GRPC (https://grpc.io/)
- GraphQL (https://graphql.org/)
- Kubernetes (https://kubernetes.io/it/) --> WIP
- and more ("Nine Worlds" remember?) --> WIP
- Make
- Docker
- Docker-compose
- NestJS (if you use GRPC part)
Clone this repository into the root of the your project, as git submodule
git submodule add git@github.com:mabuonomo/yggdrasill.git
Some examples of integration
Create client and migration from a schema.prisma file
First of all you have to create the prisma schema (https://pris.ly/d/prisma-schema) in the following path "schema/prisma/schema.prisma" (root of the your project)
An example of the schema.prisma:
// This is your Prisma schema file,
// learn more about it in the docs: https://pris.ly/d/prisma-schema
datasource db {
provider = "mysql"
url = env("DATABASE_URL")
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
output = "/main/node_modules/@prisma/client"
model User {
id Int @default(autoincrement()) @id
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
email String @unique
givenName String
familyName String
posts Post[]
profile Profile?
nickname String @unique
picture String
emailVerified Boolean
model Profile {
id Int @default(autoincrement()) @id
bio String
user User @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
userId Int
model Post {
id Int @default(autoincrement()) @id
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
title String
published Boolean @default(false)
categories Category[] @relation(references: [id])
author User @relation(fields: [authorId], references: [id])
authorId Int
model Category {
id Int @default(autoincrement()) @id
name String
posts Post[] @relation(references: [id])
enum Role {
We can now to generate the typescript client
cd yggdrasill && make prisma_build
If you want to create and apply the migration at your database:
cd yggdrasill && make prisma_migrate
Do you use Nestjs? Read https://docs.nestjs.com/recipes/prisma
Create NestJS's interfaces from *.graphql files
First of all you have to create the graphql schema in the following path "schema/graphql/example.graphql" (root of the your project)
An example of the example.graphql:
type Query {
getCats: [Cat]
cat(id: ID!): Cat
type Mutation {
createCat(createCatInput: CreateCatInput): Cat
type Subscription {
catCreated: Cat
type Cat {
id: Int
name: String
age: Int
input CreateCatInput {
name: String
age: Int
We can now to generate the typescript interfaces
cd yggdrasill && make graphql_build
The command will generate the following code (schema/graphql/dist):
/** ------------------------------------------------------
* -------------------------------------------------------
/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
export interface CreateCatInput {
name?: string;
age?: number;
export interface Cat {
__typename?: "Cat";
id?: number;
name?: string;
age?: number;
export interface IMutation {
__typename?: "IMutation";
createCat(createCatInput?: CreateCatInput): Cat | Promise<Cat>;
export interface IQuery {
__typename?: "IQuery";
getCats(): Cat[] | Promise<Cat[]>;
cat(id: string): Cat | Promise<Cat>;
export interface ISubscription {
__typename?: "ISubscription";
catCreated(): Cat | Promise<Cat>;
Do you use Nestjs? Read https://docs.nestjs.com/graphql/quick-start
Create NestJS's interfaces from *.proto files
First of all you have to create the protobuf schema in the following path "schema/grpc/example.proto" (root of the your project)
An example of the example.proto:
syntax = "proto3";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
package micr_prisma;
service MicrService {
rpc FindOne (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (UserList) {}
rpc Save (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (User) {}
message User {
string id = 1;
string name = 2;
string surname = 3;
message UserList {
repeated User users = 1;
We can now to generate the typescript interfaces
cd yggdrasill && make grpc_build
The command will generate the following code (schema/grpc/dist):
/* eslint-disable */
import { Empty } from "./google/protobuf/empty";
import { Metadata } from "grpc";
import { Observable } from "rxjs";
import { GrpcMethod, GrpcStreamMethod } from "@nestjs/microservices";
export interface User {
id: string;
name: string;
surname: string;
export interface UserList {
users: User[];
export interface MicrServiceController {
request: Empty,
metadata?: Metadata
): Promise<UserList> | Observable<UserList> | UserList;
request: Empty,
metadata?: Metadata
): Promise<User> | Observable<User> | User;
export interface MicrServiceClient {
findOne(request: Empty, metadata?: Metadata): Observable<UserList>;
save(request: Empty, metadata?: Metadata): Observable<User>;
export function MicrServiceControllerMethods() {
return function (constructor: Function) {
const grpcMethods: string[] = ["findOne", "save"];
for (const method of grpcMethods) {
const descriptor: any = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
GrpcMethod("MicrService", method)(
const grpcStreamMethods: string[] = [];
for (const method of grpcStreamMethods) {
const descriptor: any = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
GrpcStreamMethod("MicrService", method)(
export const MICR_PRISMA_PACKAGE_NAME = "micr_prisma";
export const MICR_SERVICE_NAME = "MicrService";
Do you use Nestjs? Read https://docs.nestjs.com/microservices/grpc