Releases: mach3-software/MaCh3
Releases · mach3-software/MaCh3
What's Changed
- Breaking: Corrects setting in adaptiveMCMC handler which causes crashes by @henry-wallace-phys in #249
- breaking: Remove Legacy init by @KSkwarczynski in #241
- feat: Smarter CombineMCMCChains by @KSkwarczynski in #251
- tidy: Setters and Getters for updted Covariance CI by @KSkwarczynski in #254
- tidy: Step Scale Sanity chekc et. al. by @KSkwarczynski in #253
- tidy: Norm Param Verbose by @KSkwarczynski in #248
- feat: Flexible Violin Plotter by @KSkwarczynski in #250
- tidy: Janitorial work for SamplePDF by @KSkwarczynski in #252
- bugfix: TAxis get array fix for spline binning print by @EdAtkin in #255
- bugfix: Update treatment of getting Norm Params by @KSkwarczynski in #257
- tidy: Doxygen Credits by @KSkwarczynski in #256
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.3.1
What's Changed
- automatically set PYTHONPATH in by @ewanwm in #155
- Override Settings by @KSkwarczynski in #156
- Sphinx documentation for python by @ewanwm in #158
- Linter by @KSkwarczynski in #159
- Save Covariance in MCMC File by @KSkwarczynski in #160
- Covariance Factory by @KSkwarczynski in #163
- Remove plotting configs from core by @ewanwm in #167
- Random Tidy by @KSkwarczynski in #166
- Meme bot test by @KSkwarczynski in #170
- Feature osc class magic by @EdAtkin in #161
- fix to work with other shells than bash by @nosektom in #173
- Python Interface for MaCh3 by @ewanwm in #176
- Re-add get1DVarHist back into samplePDFFDBase by @dbarrow257 in #172
- Auto generation python docs by @ewanwm in #178
- Upload docs to pages by @ewanwm in #179
- Fix gh-pages deployment by @ewanwm in #180
- Fix link in by @ewanwm in #181
- Tidy by @KSkwarczynski in #182
- Start From Previous Chain by @KSkwarczynski in #175
- Remove Garbage by @KSkwarczynski in #183
- CI Folder Fix by @KSkwarczynski in #185
- More Flexible Start FromPrevious by @KSkwarczynski in #184
- Remvoe Size... by @KSkwarczynski in #188
- Matrix Plotter by @KSkwarczynski in #187
- enforece use of new sample CI by @KSkwarczynski in #191
- Save CMakeStandard by @KSkwarczynski in #193
- Tidies up CMake, enables core libraries to build with -Wall -Wextra -… by @luketpickering in #190
- Feature tidy up by @EdAtkin in #189
- Random by @KSkwarczynski in #194
- adds -DMaCh3_WERROR_ENABLED=OFF options if you just can't even with GCC by @luketpickering in #195
- Fix CUDA compilation by @henry-wallace-phys in #197
- Random Fixes by @KSkwarczynski in #198
- Sample PDF Factory by @KSkwarczynski in #200
- Fix code scanning alert no. 2135: Multiplication result converted to larger type by @KSkwarczynski in #201
- Fix code scanning alert no. 2136: Multiplication result converted to larger type by @KSkwarczynski in #202
- More fixes to werror by @henry-wallace-phys in #204
- Caseinsentisitve param group by @KSkwarczynski in #203
- Random Tidy by @KSkwarczynski in #207
- MCMC Thinning by @KSkwarczynski in #206
- Correctly ignore C-style cast in CUDA header, short int->int to avoid… by @henry-wallace-phys in #209
- Say hello to new CUDA bot by @KSkwarczynski in #210
- pip install to CI/CD by @KSkwarczynski in #211
- Normalisation parameter kinetmatic cuts niceities by @tdealtry in #214
- Fix py ma ch3 pip install by @ewanwm in #208
- fix the links in sphinx docs by @ewanwm in #217
- Add Python CI by @ewanwm in #218
- MCMC Averaging by @KSkwarczynski in #212
- Tidy by @KSkwarczynski in #220
- Tidy Factory by @KSkwarczynski in #221
- Fix plotting by @KSkwarczynski in #223
- Feature/dbarrow257/osc prob by @dbarrow257 in #222
- Some Fixes by @KSkwarczynski in #226
- Feature Fast RHat by @mreh528 in #224
- Faster caching by @KSkwarczynski in #227
- More CI by @KSkwarczynski in #228
- Fix segfault by @KSkwarczynski in #229
- DEBUF->DEBUG by @henry-wallace-phys in #233
- WAIC by @KSkwarczynski in #230
- Feature core 1.2.0 by @EdAtkin in #235
- Random by @KSkwarczynski in #234
- Feature gpu compile options by @EdAtkin in #237
- Fix Tittle in LLH plot by @KSkwarczynski in #238
- feat: Bot which enforce correct tittle naming by @KSkwarczynski in #239
- bugfix: Now use M3::float_t type in more places, tidy: Removing duplicated Unity values by @EdAtkin in #240
- tidy: Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 in /.github/workflows by @dependabot in #242
- bugfix: Fix flag proapgation to NuOsc by @KSkwarczynski in #244
- tidy: Simplfy Triangle Plot and more by @KSkwarczynski in #243
- feat: Print which settigns are different when merging chians by @KSkwarczynski in #246
New Contributors
- @nosektom made their first contribution in #173
- @dbarrow257 made their first contribution in #172
- @luketpickering made their first contribution in #190
- @mreh528 made their first contribution in #224
Full Changelog: v1.1.8...v1.3.0
What's Changed
- automatically set PYTHONPATH in by @ewanwm in #155
- Override Settings by @KSkwarczynski in #156
- Sphinx documentation for python by @ewanwm in #158
- Linter by @KSkwarczynski in #159
- Save Covariance in MCMC File by @KSkwarczynski in #160
- Covariance Factory by @KSkwarczynski in #163
- Remove plotting configs from core by @ewanwm in #167
- Random Tidy by @KSkwarczynski in #166
- Meme bot test by @KSkwarczynski in #170
- Feature osc class magic by @EdAtkin in #161
- fix to work with other shells than bash by @nosektom in #173
- Python Interface for MaCh3 by @ewanwm in #176
- Re-add get1DVarHist back into samplePDFFDBase by @dbarrow257 in #172
- Auto generation python docs by @ewanwm in #178
- Upload docs to pages by @ewanwm in #179
- Fix gh-pages deployment by @ewanwm in #180
- Fix link in by @ewanwm in #181
- Tidy by @KSkwarczynski in #182
- Start From Previous Chain by @KSkwarczynski in #175
- Remove Garbage by @KSkwarczynski in #183
- CI Folder Fix by @KSkwarczynski in #185
- More Flexible Start FromPrevious by @KSkwarczynski in #184
- Remvoe Size... by @KSkwarczynski in #188
New Contributors
- @nosektom made their first contribution in #173
- @dbarrow257 made their first contribution in #172
Full Changelog: v1.1.8...v1.2.0
What's Changed
- Update Python Interface by @KSkwarczynski in #100
- CI Validations by @KSkwarczynski in #99
- Bump peaceiris/actions-gh-pages from 3 to 4 in /.github/workflows by @dependabot in #103
- Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 in /.github/workflows by @dependabot in #104
- Remove ThrowParms by @KSkwarczynski in #98
- More Scalable Cov Xsec by @KSkwarczynski in #106
- Paramter Evolution .gif by @KSkwarczynski in #102
- Bot Tagging Tutorial/Validations whenever Human Tags MaCh3 by @KSkwarczynski in #108
- Doxygen bibliography by @KSkwarczynski in #110
- Bump actions/labeler from 3 to 5 in /.github/workflows by @dependabot in #111
- Feature tidy by @KSkwarczynski in #113
- TF1 Interpolation is back by @KSkwarczynski in #92
- Random Fixes by @KSkwarczynski in #116
- Yaml for Osc Cov by @KSkwarczynski in #112
- Update by @DomLangridge in #118
- Minor syntax error fixes & removed some print statements by @DomLangridge in #119
- Added GetNp to TF1 in SplineStructs by @DomLangridge in #121
- Changes to CI after I change valaitions into tutorial by @KSkwarczynski in #122
- Less hardcoded GPU splines by @KSkwarczynski in #124
- SIMD for FD spline weight calculation by @yash-quark in #123
- Parameter Group by @KSkwarczynski in #125
- Spline GPU into proper class by @KSkwarczynski in #126
- Debug CI by @KSkwarczynski in #127
- Easier Flat Spline Monolith by @KSkwarczynski in #128
- Tidy Cov handlers by @KSkwarczynski in #129
- MCMC Diagnostic To CI by @KSkwarczynski in #130
- Nu MCMC CI by @KSkwarczynski in #132
- Tidy CovXsec by @KSkwarczynski in #133
- More MCMC Diag to CI by @KSkwarczynski in #134
- Bump actions/stale from 5 to 9 in /.github/workflows by @dependabot in #135
- Fix seg fault by @KSkwarczynski in #136
- Testing codoweners by @KSkwarczynski in #137
- Smarter CPM by @KSkwarczynski in #139
- Feature plotting mcmc by @ewanwm in #138
- Newsletter from bot by @KSkwarczynski in #151
- Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 in /.github/workflows by @dependabot in #152
- Test by @KSkwarczynski in #153
- save the 1d posteriors in MCMCProcessor by @ewanwm in #154
- automatically set PYTHONPATH in by @ewanwm in #155
- Override Settings by @KSkwarczynski in #156
- Sphinx documentation for python by @ewanwm in #158
- Linter by @KSkwarczynski in #159
- Save Covariance in MCMC File by @KSkwarczynski in #160
- Covariance Factory by @KSkwarczynski in #163
- Remove plotting configs from core by @ewanwm in #167
- Random Tidy by @KSkwarczynski in #166
- Meme bot test by @KSkwarczynski in #170
- Feature osc class magic by @EdAtkin in #161
- fix to work with other shells than bash by @nosektom in #173
- Python Interface for MaCh3 by @ewanwm in #176
- Re-add get1DVarHist back into samplePDFFDBase by @dbarrow257 in #172
- Auto generation python docs by @ewanwm in #178
- Upload docs to pages by @ewanwm in #179
- Fix gh-pages deployment by @ewanwm in #180
- Fix link in by @ewanwm in #181
- Tidy by @KSkwarczynski in #182
- Start From Previous Chain by @KSkwarczynski in #175
- Remove Garbage by @KSkwarczynski in #183
- CI Folder Fix by @KSkwarczynski in #185
- More Flexible Start FromPrevious by @KSkwarczynski in #184
- Remvoe Size... by @KSkwarczynski in #188
- Matrix Plotter by @KSkwarczynski in #187
- enforece use of new sample CI by @KSkwarczynski in #191
- Save CMakeStandard by @KSkwarczynski in #193
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #103
- @DomLangridge made their first contribution in #118
- @yash-quark made their first contribution in #123
- @nosektom made their first contribution in #173
- @dbarrow257 made their first contribution in #172
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0_alpha
MaCh3 core v1.1.0, a more complete stable release for both the Far and Near detector code.
There are various improvements with major changes being:
- MCMC diagnostics
- Custom error handling and logger
- MaCh3 Modes from YAML config
- Flexible sample binning for the FD
- Can now run with no splined systematics loaded
And more minor changes being:
- Fixed PCA
- Improved GPU cmake
- Flexible plotting: add power spectra, Violin plots,
- New handler: Adaptive MCMC Handler, PCA
- Drag race to compare speed of different methods
- Factory for fitting methods