Cross Platform Telegram based RAT that communicates via telegram to evade network restrictions
Use New Cross Platform RAT
1. git clone
2. Now Follow the instructions in HOW TO USE Section.
1. Go to Telegram and search for
2. Create Bot and get the API_TOKEN
3. Now search for and get the chat_id
4. Now Go to and go to line 16 and 17 and place API_TOKEN and chat_id there
5. Now run python For Windows and python3 For Linux
6. Now Go to the bot which u created and send command in message field
HELP MENU: Coded By Machine1337
CMD Commands | Execute cmd commands directly in bot
cd .. | Change the current directory
cd foldername | Change to current folder
download filename | Download File From Target
screenshot | Capture Screenshot
info | Get System Info
location | Get Target Location
get url | Download File From URL (Provide Direct URL)
1. Execute Shell Commands in bot directly.
2. download file from client.
3. Get Client System Information.
4. Get Client Location Information.
5. Capture Screenshot
6. get url (Download file from URL)
7. More features will be added
Coded By: Machine1337
Telgram group: