FilmWeb is an international and innovative network dedicated to people who like watching movies.
A website with the help of which you can create your own movie playlist after logging in. You can add a movie to the front page as your favorite. You decide what category you assign the movie to. You can create any category. You can add data such as: title, description, cover and movie trailer link to the movie.
- VueJS - HTML enhanced for web apps! (version 3)
- Vue-Route - routing support (version 2)
- FireBase - api functionaly to store data
- Bootstrap - styling template (version 4.5)
- Bootstrap-Made - free bootstrap template
- Box-Icon - icon for view template
Project requires Node.js v14+ to run.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
$ npm install
$ npm run serve
For production environments...
$ the same as above but last commend run
$ npm run build
Link to show examples of usage:
- Demo user:
- login:
- passowrd: maciej123
I'm using metodology Gitflow.
- master - main branch, protected, merge only by authorized persons, production builds
- dev - development branch, all changes for testing, test builds go to it
- the remaining branches contain smaller modules or changes that need to be committed before merging into the test version
Project is: in progress
Created by - feel free to contact me!