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5.0.0 Release

vitaliy edited this page Dec 13, 2022 · 2 revisions

What's new in Magento PHPStorm Plugin 5.0.0

This release contains extended code generation, the config scope inspection and fixed compatibility with the newest IDE versions.

Code generation

Data Patch

Context action for the Data Patch file generation

Observer and declaration from the context menu

Added generation of events.xml

Code inspection

Config Scope directory inspection


  • All code generators: Added constants visibility and class property types

  • EAV attributes code generators: Added default values of the group property
  • UCT custom coming versions


  • Fixed wrong director(y|ies) generation for GraphQL resolver class
  • Fixed IndexOutOfBoundsException: CreateResolverClassQuickFix.applyFix(
  • Index out of range