Releases: maikramer/Materialize
Releases · maikramer/Materialize
Materialize v0.4 HDRP beta 5
This beta is really stable, i'm not having issues with it, but of course i need some more testing, please, send me the problems you found.
Versions for Windows and Linux. Both x64.
The main highlight is the rebase of the shaders to Compute Shaders.
[v0.4HDRP-beta.5] - 2019-13-03
- Added Slider from NormalMap in AO Map Creation.
- Added Depth of Field to the Scene.
- Added Screen Space Reflections.
- Migrated all texture processing shaders from frag/vert shaders to Compute Shaders. Everything is looking great for me, performance is also great.
Minor changes
- Lots of adjusts to post processing effects.
- Fix Smoothness Map, was behaving the oppose to expected.
- Fix Mask Map when any texture is missing.
- Fix Panning when panning not from centre.
- Fix a problem with object getting stuck when zooming too much.
- Fix Save Texture modifying original texture.
- Minor fixes and improve instability.
Known Issues
- Full Screen is not working, Unity Bug
- Quick-save is not implemented yet.
Materialize v0.4 HDRP beta 4 Windows x64
Same as linux version.
Materialize v0.4 HDRP beta 4
This beta is really stable, i'm not having issues with it, but of course i need some more testing, please, send me the problems you found.
[v0.4HDRP-beta.4] - 2019-05-03
Changed since beta 3a
- Remove Gama Correction from all shaders.
- Revert gama correction from last build.
- Finally normals are being showed right, no right clue on internet, needed to reverse engineer the HDRP normal packing (they are all red = 1 now).
- Using MipMaps for better scalling
Known Issues
- Full Screen is not working, Unity Bug
- Quick-save is not implemented yet.
Materialize v0.3.5.1
[v0.3.5.1] - 2019-03-05
- Fix smoothness
- Fix Paths with spaces and other special chars
[v0.3.5] - 2019-03-05
- Added Batch Processing, thanks to @mitchelldmccollum
- Added option to pack property to alpha, thanks to @mitchelldmccollum
- Added in ability to scale texure on import and laid ground work for diffuse AO mix @mitchelldmccollum
- Added in aspect locked for texture scale @mitchelldmccollum
Known Issues
- Quick-save is not implemented yet
Materialize v0.3.5
[v0.3.5] - 2019-03-05
- Added Batch Processing, thanks to @mitchelldmccollum
- Added option to pack property to alpha, thanks to @mitchelldmccollum
- Added in ability to scale texure on import and laid ground work for diffuse AO mix @mitchelldmccollum
- Added in aspect locked for texture scale @mitchelldmccollum
Known Issues
- Quick-save is not implemented yet
Materialize v0.4 HDRP beta 3a
This is a fix release
[v0.4HDRP-beta.3a] - 2019-05-03
- Fix preview saturation
- Fix plane rotation (Was upside down)
[v0.4HDRP-beta.3] - 2019-05-03
- Add button to reset position and rotation.
Mitch Ideas implemented
- Implemented FrameRate Choice in settings.
- Implemented option to don't hide on rotate.
- Downgrade from 2019.2 to 2019.1b5
- Change HDRP to 5.6.1
- Better looking Box.
- New UI Theme, cleaner
- Frame idependent Rotate / Pan / Zoom
- Change normal to Object Space normal intead of Tangent Space. Experiment.
Minor changes
- Scene enhanced with better Reflection
- Rise precision of Mask Map processor shader.
- Rise precision of Linear to Gama shader.
- Created Shader Variants pack, to force unity to keep the actual shaders.
- Zoom now is smooth. Very nice.
- New Shader PackNormal, not being used for now.
- Fix a problem that when manipulating or hiding we were losing the actual processing.
- Fix to Reset Position/Rotation.
- Tesselation center now is correct.
- Vsync was causing freezes, then was disabled for now.
- Use Lerp instead of Slerp to position. Fixes undesirable zoom.
- Other Fixes;
Known Issues
- Full Screen toggle not working, Unity Bug.
- Quick-save is not implemented yet.
Materialize v0.4 HDRP beta 3
This beta is really stable, i'm not having issues with it, but of course i need some more testing, please, send me the problems you found.
[v0.4HDRP-beta.3] - 2019-05-03
- Add button to reset position and rotation.
Mitch Ideas implemented
- Implemented FrameRate Choice in settings.
- Implemented option to don't hide on rotate.
- Downgrade from 2019.2 to 2019.1b5
- Change HDRP to 5.6.1
- Better looking Box.
- New UI Theme, cleaner
- Frame idependent Rotate / Pan / Zoom
- Change normal to Object Space normal intead of Tangent Space. Experiment.
Minor changes
- Scene enhanced with better Reflection
- Rise precision of Mask Map processor shader.
- Rise precision of Linear to Gama shader.
- Created Shader Variants pack, to force unity to keep the actual shaders.
- Zoom now is smooth. Very nice.
- New Shader PackNormal, not being used for now.
- Fix a problem that when manipulating or hiding we were losing the actual processing.
- Fix to Reset Position/Rotation.
- Tesselation center now is correct.
- Vsync was causing freezes, then was disabled for now.
- Use Lerp instead of Slerp to position. Fixes undesirable zoom.
- Other Fixes;
Known Issues
- Full Screen is not working, Unity Bug
- Quick-save is not implemented yet.
Materialize v0.3.2
[v0.3.2] - 2019-28-02
- Added a Button "Reset to defaults", then if we mess with values we can go back, thanks to @mitchelldmccollum
- Added option to keep UI while rotating, thanks to @mitchelldmccollum
Known Issues
- Quick-save is not implemented yet
Materialize v0.4 HDRP beta 2
This is a fix release
[v0.4HDRP-beta.2] - 2019-23-02
- Fix a problem with clearing textures
- Fix Hide while Rotating/Panning
Known Issues
- Quick-save is not implemented yet.
Materialize v0.3.1
[v0.3.1] - 2018-23-02
- Added FramaRate Limit, thanks to @mitchelldmccollum
- Changed to Unity 2018.3.6f1
Known Issues
- Quick-save is not implemented yet