#install_v2ray_xray_on_openwrt Target Platform : ramips/mt7621 : Support Devices List
install v2ray , xray-core , i'm trying to install on mi 4a gigabit :
Hi Guys if you want to run v2ray shadowsocks on your router , First You should install openwrtOS and then install passwall Package but there is a problem !!! your router disk space is just 8mb so not enough space to install xray ... but Don't Worry i have a solution ... :)
(How to install Passwall on Openwrt : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4-GUnCK2Wo&t=520s&ab_channel=AmirHosseinChoghaei)
1- xray version : 1.8.1 latest update !
rm amirhossein.sh && wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amirhosseinchoghaei/mi4agigabit/main/amirhossein.sh && chmod 777 amirhossein.sh && sh amirhossein.sh
2- Go to Passwall > AppUpdate Change Xray App Path to : /tmp/usr/bin/xray
Done !
when your router rebooted , it's takes about 3 min to start passwall with xray-core ...
rm up.sh && wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amirhosseinchoghaei/mi4agigabit/main/up.sh && chmod 777 up.sh && sh up.sh