Project launch from the root folder using: npm run dev
Heroku live: heroku live application
Maksym Lobachevskyi - slackname - Maksim.L
Volodimir Zhukivskyi - slackname - Володимир Жуківський
Dmytro Zyakun - slackname - DmitriyZ
Backend (root folder):
- Server part using Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB Atlas.
- Routes API, Mongo models, Validation.
- Cloudinary storage for images
Front-end (client folder):
- Registration + Login components and functionality, AuthContainer component
- Likes, Follows
- Components: UserProfile.js, Dashboard.js, Footer.js, Navbar.js, Loader.js(.scss), routes.js, Modal.js
- Redux files related to above components and functionality
Front-end (client folder):
- ShowMore, Infinite Scroll and Pagination functionality.
- Components: showMore.js, Button.js, Pagination.js, Modal.js, Post.js, Users.js, User.js, userProfile.js
- Likes, Follows
- Sliding functionality in modal window
- Styling: scss style files
- Redux files related to above components and functionality
Front-end (client folder):
- Comments functionality: Comments.js, Comment.js, Modal.js
- React unit tests: Button.test.js, Navbar.test.js, User.test.js, Footer.test.js
- Redux files related to above components and functionality
- Application deploy: Heroku
MERN Stack: Node.js, Express.js, React, MongoDB Atlas
Packages: axios - API bcryptjs - hashing passwords body-parser - reading data inside HTTP request concurrently - concurrently start of server and client parts jsonwebtoken - tokens for login mongoose - connection to MongoDB validator - input field validation nodemon - live monitor and reload of the application react-redux, redux - redux react-router-dom, react-dom - routing react-svg - working with svg files materialize-css, sass - styling enzyme - testing