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🌍 Friendly configurator for Yandex.Maps API


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StagiMap is a simple and friendly configurator for Yandex.Maps. Goal of this library is to give to any developer simple ways of customizing and deploying maps on buisness websites without learning required API-methods. Just with few lines of code you can build your own functional map with clusters, navigation, hide/show functions and more.

NOTE: StagiMap is based on version 2.1.XX of Yandex.Maps API and depends on its lifecycle. The library is not created for flexible tune-in and supports limited features of Yandex.Maps API.

Documentation on Russian is available here.

Main features:

  • Map's customizing and importing with few lines of code
  • Quick adding and working with map's points
  • Points' clusterting with one parameter only
  • Control the map data from outside with HTML-elements
  • Quick methods of groups' creation and its managing
  • Quick route builder and adding of transfer's points
  • Quick adding of styles
  • Configuration of control elements

Getting started

Library demo

This project includes simple React-based app which can be run with the following command

npm start

You can use it as a demo or for further development on top of this project.

Build from the source and importing into your project

To generate production version of StagiMap library, run the following command

npm run bundle

It will create minified version of library located in dist folder. You can import it into your project and get started with it.

Configuring and Initializing

Instance of StagiMap class should be created with parameters to define behaviour and state of the rendered map.

import '../stagimap.min';

const map = new StagiMap({

Coordinates on the parameters are presented in the coordinateds = [LATITUDE, LONGITUDE] format.


You need to have Yandex account for being able to create API key.

Parameter Format Description
smOptions.apiKey string sets API key which will be used for access to Yandex.Maps API


You must choose the map's localization in RFC-3066 format (Get Information about supported localizations on If there is no selected localization, en will be used as default.

Parameter Format Description
smOptions.locale RFC-3066 sets preferred localization

Main parameters

Main parameters include geographical coordinates of the map's center, working area, minimum, maximum and initial zoom.

Parameter Format Description
smOptions.containerId string selects DIV element on the HTML template by ID to render the map coordinateds sets geospatial coordinates of the map's center
smOptions.restrictArea [coordinateds, coordinateds] sets the map's area with restricted borders through coordinates of left-top border point and right-bottom border point (optional)
smOptions.initialZoom integer sets initial zoom in range of 1 ... 16
smOptions.maxZoom integer sets maximum zoom in range of 1 ... 16
smOptions.minZoom integer sets minimum zoom in range of 1 ... 16

Zoom buttons

Ability to set and customize zoom buttons.

Parameter Format Description
smOptions.zoomButtons.inButton url sets image for "Zoom In" buttom's template
smOptions.zoomButtons.inText string sets popup text for hover "Zoom In" button
smOptions.zoomButtons.inStyle string sets styles for "Zoom In" buttons's template, for example, width: 30px; height: 30px; border-radius: 0px 0px 20px 20px;
smOptions.zoomButtons.inPosition {top: integer, left: integer} sets position on map for "Zoom In" button
smOptions.zoomButtons.outButton url sets image for "Zoom Out" buttom's template
smOptions.zoomButtons.outText string sets popup text for hover "Zoom out" button
smOptions.zoomButtons.outStyle string set styles for "Zoom Out" buttons's template, for example, width: 30px; height: 30px; border-radius: 0px 0px 20px 20px;
smOptions.zoomButtons.outPosition {top: integer, left: integer} sets position on map for "Zoom Out" button

Geolocation button

Ability to set and customize geolocation buttons.

Parameter Format Description
smOptions.geolocation.geoButton url sets image for "Geolocation" buttom's template
smOptions.geolocation.geoText string sets popup text for hover "Geolocation" button
smOptions.geolocation.geoStyle string sets styles for "Geolocation" buttons's template, for example, width: 30px; height: 30px; border-radius: 0px 0px 20px 20px;
smOptions.geolocation.geoPosition {top: integer, left: integer} sets position on map for "Geolocation" button
smOptions.geolocation.icon url sets "Geolocation" point's template
smOptions.geolocation.sizePoint [integer, integer] sets "Geolocation" point's size as [WIDTH, HEIGHT]
smOptions.geolocation.offsetPoint [integer, integer] sets "Geolocation" point's offset as [L-OFFSET, T-OFFSET]


Parameter Format Description
smOptions.cluster boolean unite points on the map into the clusters depending on the zoom

Map points

Points can be added on the map within property based on described schema.

Parameter Format Description[i].coordinates coordinateds sets the coordinates of the point's center[i].html string sets text or HTML-string for the point's baloon content[i].title string sets text or HTML for the point's baloon title[i].icon url sets the point's icon template[i].sizePoint [integer, integer] sets the point's size as [WIDTH, HEIGHT][i].offsetPoint [integer, integer] sets the point's offset as [L-OFFSET, T-OFFSET][i].group string sets the group for the point if it is needed


Router is providing ability to build multiroutes from A to B.

Parameter Format Description
smOptions.router.startPoint coordinateds sets the coordinates of the route start point
smOptions.router.endPoint coordinateds sets the coordinates of the route end point
smOptions.router.maxWays integer sets the maximum possible ways from between the start and end point
smOptions.router.refPoints [coordinateds] sets the transit points between the the start and end point


Ability to show current traffic situation for places in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Turkey.

Parameter Format Description
smOptions.traffic boolean turns on layout with current road traffic

Integration on HTML template

The following HTML attributes can be set on elements to control the map from outside.

Attribute Format Description
sm-point index moves to the point on the map selected by index in
sm-move integer, integer moves to the passed coordinates (latitude and longitude), for example, sm-move="0, 0"
sm-show string toggles the group's visibility bu passing the group's identifier related to the points with specified group[i].group. If no value is passed, it shows all points on click.