A simple module for polybar that shows weather.
Clone this repository and add to your polybar/config.ini (usually in .config/polybar/config.ini
type = custom/script
exec = /path/to/polybar-weather/weather
interval = 30
Geopy python library, install using pip install geopy
A nerd font installed and imported in polybar's config file.
Edit the config.yaml
file to change some settings, such as location (coords) and units. These are the defaults:
location: Cartama
# latitude: 36.73
# longitude: -4.62
temperature: celsius
windspeed: kmh
precipitation: mm
timezone: auto
In location, use an adress (such as Cartama, New York, Paris) or use the latitude and longitude parameters to set an exact coordinate. Using a street name will work but introducing the house number won't.
Data is gotten from open-meteo.com API