This stable version
Static Node
Params Node
CatchAll Node
- CatchAll can be only one and only at the insert end
root.SetString("/path/*filepath*other", "value") // error
root.SetString("/path/*filepath/*other", "value") // error
root.SetString("/path/*filepath/123/*other", "value") // error
root.SetString("/path/*filepath", "value") // OK
- CatchAll has the lowest priority
root.SetString("/path/123/123", "value1") // OK
root.SetString("/path/:id/123", "value2") // OK
root.SetString("/path/*filepath", "value3") // OK
root.GetString("/path/123/123") // value1
root.GetString("/path/234/123") // value2
root.GetString("/path/123/234") // value3
$ go get -u
package main
import (
func main() {
root := prefixtree.New()
root.SetString("/path/:dir/123", "value1")
root.SetString("/path/:dir/*filepath", "value2")
root.SetString("/path/user_:user", "value3")
root.SetString("/id/:id", "value4")
root.SetString("/id:id", "value5")
root.SetString(":id/:name/123", "value6")
root.SetString("/id:id", "value7") // error: path already in use
root.SetString("/id:id2", "value8")
value, err := root.GetString("/path/123/")
value.Path = "/path/123/"
value.Value = "value2"
value.Params["dir"] = "123"
value.Params["filepath"] = ""
items := View(root)
items = []string{