Heavily influenced by Mike Migurski's Extractotron
Downloads the latest planet in pbf format. Produces, via osmconvert, a number of metro extracts in both pbf and bz2 formats. Produces shape files in both imposm and osm2pgsql formats.
GeoJSON is generated via ogr2ogr and output in CRS:84 (e.g. EPSG:4326) projection.
Imposm shapfiles are generated in EPSG:4326.
An m4.4xlarge is a good starting point, anything bigger will make things faster. Enough storage for the planet file and all the extracts you plan to generate.
include_recipe 'metroextractor'
Tested and supported on the following platforms:
- Ubuntu 14.04LTS
- Chef >= 11.4
apt, ark, osm2pgsql, postgresql, python, user
License: GPL Authors: grant@mapzen.com