This is a very simple tool. It takes a GitHub username & Personal Access Token, and returns a JSON with the collaborators on the user's GitHub repos, where there are collaborators.
Should be generated from
Requires the following permissions:
- repo ("Full control of private repositories")
- admin:org -> read:org ("Read or and team membership, read org projects")
- user -> read:user ("Read all user profile data")
pip install githubcollaborators
githubcollaborators -u <your-github-username> -t <github-personal-access-token> -o output.json
Full options:
usage: githubcollaborators [-h] -u USERNAME [-t TOKEN] [-v VISIBILITY]
[-o OUTPUT] [--verbose]
List collaborators for all repositories for the given user. Might take a while
to run, be patient.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
GitHub username
-t TOKEN, --token TOKEN
Personal Access Token for the specified GitHub
username. Requires following permissions: repo("Full
control of private repositories"), admin: org -> read:
org("Read or and team membership, read org projects"),
user -> read: user("Read all user profile data")
Visibility level of the repositories, can be: all,
public, or private
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Save to specified output file
--verbose Set logging level to INFO
from githubcollaborators import githubcollaborators
print(githubcollaborators(<your_username>, <your_personal_access_token>))