A few practical examples for traefik reverse proxy. Every folder contains an example which showcases one specific usecase for traefik.
You should have a roudimentary understanding of how docker, traefik or reverse proxies in general work. This is not a tutorial, this is a practical showcase for common usecases to try out locally.
Just clone this repository (or copy any docker-compose.yml) and
run it via docker-compose up
Additionally sometimes there are a few tasks, which will offer you to deepen your understanding of traefik by tinkering the examples. I will offer no solutions...
A basic whoami webserver running on http://whoami.localhost
Show the traefik dashboard and run two services on the same domain, separated by path
Use traefik middlewares to force an HTTP basic authentication for your services
Create services that listen to different subdomains
Use Let's Encrypt to automatically generate HTTPS certificates for you
Use traefik for services defined in other docker-compose files using docker networks