Latest projects I finished:
- βπΉβcub3d: Graphic project using ray-casting.
- βπ₯βft_server: Web server setup using Docker. Runs Wordpress, phpMyAdmin and keeps a SQL database.
- βπβlibft: My own C library, regrouping usual functions.
- βπ¨βft_printf: Self-built C printf function
- βπβget_next_line: Reads one line at the time from a file descriptor
- βπ΄βpipex: Mimics the usage of UNIX mechanisms with system calls only.
- βπ’βpush_swap: Sorts a stack of numbers
- βπβminishell: Recreate bash functionality
- βπ©πΌβπ»βC++ modules: Learning a new language, C++!
- βπβwebserv: Built my own webserver in C++
- βπβtranscendence: Create a website to play Pong with others