Simple ft_printf (2021) tester for the mandatory requirements
This tester only checks the MANDATORY requirements of the 42 "ft_printf" subject, which are the following conversions:
- %%
- %c
- %s
- %d
- %i
- %u
- %x and %X
- %p
As such, do not hesitate to raise an issue or a pull request if you think a test is missing !
You need to have your own makefile for this tester to work. If you haven't made one yet, you can just use the main.c file and compile with the gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra command.
Please clone the repo in the root folder of your project:
|--- your files
---- ft_printf |
|--- mk_test
git clone
Please go in the mk_test folder, run these commands:
make tests
...And profit 🤗
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