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GitHub Action

Repository Permission

v2.0.0 Latest version

Repository Permission


Repository Permission

GitHub Action that checks repository permission for a user flexibly


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Repository Permission

uses: sushichop/action-repository-permission@v2.0.0

Learn more about this action in sushichop/action-repository-permission

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GitHub Marketplace release CI codecov license

Check repository permission for a user flexibly.


      - created
    - name: Check repository permission for user
      id: permission
      uses: sushichop/action-repository-permission@v1
        required-permission: write
    - name: Display information about permission
      run: |
        echo "A user trying to access is permitted"
        echo "An actual permission was '${{ steps.permission.outputs.actual-permission }}'"

You can set none, read, write, or admin to required-permission. In this action, the permission of a user trying to access the repository is named actual-permission. It uses GitHub API internally and sets permitted to true and returns 0 as exit code when actual-permission is equal or greater than required-permission.

Furthermore, you can also control various things flexibly according to the condition.

  • Add a reaction to user's comment
  • Add an issue comment
  • Change the exit code(Relax repository permission check)

See action.yml and Cheat Sheet for details.

Good Example

      - created
    name: Danger for external - Node.js 16
    if: |
      github.event_name == 'issue_comment' && github.event.action == 'created'
      && github.event.issue.pull_request != null
      && startsWith(github.event.comment.body, '/danger')
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Check repository permission for user
      uses: sushichop/action-repository-permission@v2
        required-permission: write
        reaction-permitted: rocket
        comment-not-permitted: Sorry, you don't have enough permission to execute `/danger`...
    - name: Clone the PR source
      uses: actions/checkout@v3
        ref: refs/pull/${{ github.event.issue.number }}/head
        fetch-depth: 0
    - uses: actions/setup-node@v3
        node-version: 16
    - name: Danger JS
      run: npx danger ci
        GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

The above is a good example to execute danger as an issue comment for the pull request from the fork. It permits the only authorized users to execute danger.

As a matter of fact, I created action-repository-permission to achieve this!

Cheat Sheet


  • Add a reaction to user's comment(if it exists) when he/she is permitted.
reaction-permitted (input) permitted (output) issue comment (what you can expect)
valid value is not set true reaction-permitted is not added as reaction
valid value is not set false reaction-permitted is not added as reaction
valid value is set true reaction-permitted is added as reaction
valid value is set false reaction-permitted is not added as reaction


  • Add a reaction to user's comment(if it exists) when he/she is not permitted.
reaction-not-permitted (input) permitted (output) issue comment (what you can expect)
valid value is not set true reaction-not-permitted is not added as reaction
valid value is not set false reaction-not-permitted is not added as reaction
valid value is set true reaction-not-permitted is not added as reaction
valid value is set false reaction-not-permitted is added as reaction


  • Add an issue comment when a user is permitted.
comment-permitted (input) permitted (output) issue comment (what you can expect)
value is not set(or empty string) true comment-permitted is not added as issue comment
value is not set(or empty string) false comment-permitted is not added as issue comment
value is set(not empty string) true comment-permitted is added as issue comment
value is set(not empty string) false comment-permitted is not added as issue comment


  • Add an issue comment added when a user is permitted.
comment-not-permitted (input) permitted (output) issue comment (what you can expect)
value is not set(or empty string) true comment-not-permitted is not added as issue comment
value is not set(or empty string) false comment-not-permitted is not added as issue comment
value is set(not empty string) true comment-not-permitted is not added as issue comment
value is set(not empty string) false comment-not-permitted is added as issue comment


  • Change the exit code (Relax repository permission check).
relax (input) permitted (output) exit code (what you can expect)
false true 0 (success)
false false 1 (failure)
true true 0 (success)
true false 0 (success)


action-repository-permission is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.