Command line tool for generating CSV of lines of code history for a repository.
You must have cloc installed and on your PATH.
To build, run the project in SBT
$ cd /path/to/git-cloc-history
$ sbt
> universal:packageBin
This should generate target/universal/
Unzip the artifact and you'll find it contains bin
and lib
$ unzip target/universal/
$ l -al target/universal/git-cloc-history-0.1-SNAPSHOT
>> bin lib
Use the executable in the bin
directory apporopriate for your system:
$ target/universal/git-cloc-history-0.1-SNAPSHOT/bin/git-cloc-history [args]
By default, the application assumes you want cloc history for the current branch in the current directory.
Run the executable without any arguments and you will get a listing of the available options and defaults.
For convenience, I have a symbolic link to the executable in my ~/bin directory (which is loaded to my PATH):
$ ln -s target/universal/git-cloc-history-0.1-SNAPSHOT/bin/git-cloc-history ~/bin/git-cloc
Assuming ~/bin is on your PATH and is executable, you can call it from anywhere.
$ cd ~/gitrepos/somerepo
$ git-cloc
CLOC history successfully written to ~/gitrepos/somerepo/cloc-history.csv
$ cat cloc-history.csv # this is the output CSV file